Don’t Gross Out The World
Information gathered from website: Don’t Gross Out The World.swf
Do Chinese Mothers make their children eat everything on their plates? A: Yes, Food is very expensive China! B: No, Cleaning your plate in China is considered rude. C: Yes, but only if it has rice in it!
B: No, Cleaning your plate in China is considered rude. In China, finishing everything on your plate is considered rude because somebody might think you didn’t get enough food and you’re still hungry.
When people in Austria clink glasses when making a toast, they must look at each other in the eyes, Why? C: They are acknowledging each other’s existence. A: It is considered polite to know someone’s eye color. B: It’s a game to see who can clink without looking at the glasses.
C: They are acknowledging each others existence. Austrians acknowledge each others existence by looking in to each other’s eyes while clinking glasses. After all, who wants to eat with somebody who doesn’t exist?
In a Spanish snack bar what should you do with your crumbs, old napkins, food wrappers and other debris? C: Use the trash bags that are on every table. A: Pile everything up on an empty plate. B: Just throw everything on the floor.
B: Just throw everything on the floor. In snack bars in Spain they sweep everything up at the end of the evening… You’re expected to throw everything on the floor!
What do the English think about Americans eating fried chicken with their hands?? C: Chicken should be boiled, not fried. A: Americans are hopeless slobs. B: It’s okay if there are no utensils around.
B: It’s okay if there are no utensils around. The English say if there are no utensils around, it’s okay to eat with the hands. asking for utensils would be an insult to the cook…it would mean that you didn’t want to just dive in to the food.
What is the right way to ask a chef for ketchup in France?? C: Catsup, s’il vous plait A: “Give me the ketchup Bud!” B: There is no right way to ask a chef for ketchup in France.
B: There is no right way to ask A chef for ketchup in France. Asking a chef for ketchup in France would be an insult…it means you don’t like his food.
In snooty restaurants in Germany what is the proper way to cut your potatoes? C: With a genuine Flickenmasher, portable potato masher. A: With your fork B: With your knife
A: With your fork. With a fork, of course. Everyone in Germany knows a fork makes a nice, rough cut in the potato to hold the rich, beefy German gravy. A knife cuts the potato too smoothly. And if you picked the Flickenmasher…just stay out of Germany!
In Canada, how do the Inuit people say, “Thank You, the food was Excellent?” A: They perform the ancient “Dance of a Thousand Thanks”. B: They burp. C: They leave coins under their plate.
B: They burp. Yes indeed, burping is considered a sign of thanks. It is said that South Sea Islanders do the same thing, or maybe it’s just those spices!
If you’re eating a whole baked fish in Poland, why shouldn’t you turn it over? A: Because you’ll capsize the fisherman’s boat. B: Because you really don’t want to see what’s under there. C: Because the bones will come loose and that is considered very bad luck!
A: Because you’ll capsize the fisherman’s boat. There’s an old wives tale in Poland that flipping over a fish on a plate will flip over the fisherman’s boat in the water.
In many parts of Scotland is it acceptable for kids to do their homework right after dinner?? A: No way, after dinner is always BBC Family TV time. B: Of course, that’s the perfect time to do homework. C: Uh, well, most kids aren’t home after dinner.
C: Uh, well, most kids aren’t home after dinner. In many parts of Scotland lunch is called “dinner”, so kids are likely still in school “after dinner”.
How do you show your host that you like your meal in Japan? A: Bang your water glass loudly on the table, but not so hard that it breaks. B: Applaud loudly. C: Slurp your noodles as loudly as possible.
C: Slurp your noodles as loudly as possible. In Japan, slurping noodles is a compliment to the chef. It means you like your food so much you can’t wait to get it in to your mouth.
If you’re left-handed and your Iranian host gives you a right-handed fork by mistake, what should you do? A: Just use the right-handed fork with your left hand. C: Just eat with your right hand. B: Politely ask your host for a left handed fork.
There’s no such thing as a left- Handed or right-handed fork… GOTCHA!
Please DO NOT try these at home!