Workplace Culture Shock What you don’t know about how culture influences the workplace Workplace Culture Shock What you don’t know about how culture influences the workplace company name here Eddie Calisto-Tavares, C.I.M
HOW CULTURE INFLUENCES THE WORKPLACE Increase cultural intelligence and reduce culture shock Understand cultural barriers and contexts in the workplace Increase the ability to identify the risk tolerance of an individual Develop clear strategies based on cultural competencies Overview
Caveat Don't assume everyone fits exactly into the generalized view of that culture. People are individuals and may not exactly mirror their culture, generation or gender. Generalizations - Stereotypes
Although Canadian organizations seem to better understand the need for “equity” and “diversity” in the workplace, it is not translating into “integration”. Employers still expect new hires/newcomers to do most of the changing and adapting! Does culture shock impact the workplace?
For our purpose culture is defined as the shared beliefs and values of a group of people. What we are thought to think, feel and do in a society where we were/are raised What conditions individuals and directs how we think, feel and behave Definition of Culture
For our purpose culture shock is defined as: A stressful experience when moving into a new environment that affects the physical, emotional and mental well being of an individual. Culture shock is especially difficult for immigrants (under 5 years) who have to adjust to a new country/society, language, behaviours, job expectations and so on. Definition: Culture Shock
Recruitment and retention strategies Group dynamics and team building Training and development Performance management Advancement/promotions The bottom line Culture affects …..
People don’t just bring their skills and experience, they bring their beliefs, values, attitudes, assumptions and many other cultural norms. Recruitment & Retention
Case in Point: Eye Contact In some cultures, looking people in the eye is assumed to indicate honesty and straightforwardness; in others it is seen as challenging and rude. Western culture most effective way to connect with people is to look them into the eye. Most people in Arab cultures regard direct eye contact as disrespectful. In South Asian and many other cultures direct eye contact is generally regarded as aggressive and rude. Recruitment & Retention Recruitment & Retention
Challenges & Opportunities: Ethnic cultural norms Context and frame of reference Language fluency and communication skills Meaning or interpretation of words Cross Cultural Communication
Case in Point: Cultural Norms Newcomers stories Context of “Health & Safety” Interpretation of rights & responsibilities Losing face Workplace Health & Safety
Cultural Intelligence Activity
Café conversations are built on the assumption that people already have within them the wisdom and creativity to address emerging challenges. Learn more by visiting: Café Conversations
8-10 participants are seated at each café table (with markers and doodle paper to capture insights and ideas) Conversation will focus on two powerful questions via two rounds of minutes each Table hosts will act as “ambassadors of meaning” to help connect stories and ideas and will stay at one table for the two rounds All other participants will change tables between rounds The entire group will participate in a harvest where themes and insights will be shared The Café Process
The Café Etiquette Play Experiment Improvise Focus on what matters Contribute your thinking Speak your mind and heart Listen to understand Link and connect ideas together for insights and deeper questions Draw – writing on the tablecloth is encouraged!
Remind people at your table to jot down key connections, ideas, discoveries and deeper questions as they emerge Remain at the table for the second café round and welcome travelers from other tables Briefly share key insights from the first café round conversation so others can link ideas from their respective tables I’m a table host what do I do?
Themes Recruitment & Selection Training & Development Employee Engagement & Retention Workplace Health & Safety Idea Harvest
5 Cultural Competencies Self-Awareness Mutual Adaptability Valuing Diversity Recognition of Prior Learning Modeling an Individualized Approach Cultural Competencies
Every action we take for ourselves and our clients reflects a commitment for the work we do in breaking down cultural, generational and economic barriers to success. Options for Success Inc &