Business Etiquette for the 21 st Century By Your Name, Assistant to the President, International Assurance, Inc. Today’s Date.
Politeness Counts Professional etiquette builds leadership, quality, business and careers.
Etiquette Online Make the subject line specific. When replying to or forwarding an , clean up the document. Address and sign your s. Sign your name, "Sincerely, Curly" or provide a signature line for people to know who you are and where they can reach you. DON'T TYPE IN ALL CAPS.
Behavior Others Consider Rude Discourteous telephone service Interrupting others Lack of appreciation of others' efforts Inappropriate language Inappropriate attire Lack of organization Inability to deliver constructive criticism Inability to accept constructive criticism
Behavior Others Consider Polite Helpfulness Respect Attentiveness Friendliness Honesty
The Costs of Being Rude