Taking Action with the Voice of the Scout 2012 National Annual Meeting 1 Mike Watkins - Mission Impact Team Howard Olsen, Ph.D, CPA - M3 Planning
Translating Numbers to the Experience 4
NPS LANDING PAGE: See the Peaks and Valleys LEARN Response Rates NPS By Segments ASSESS BY SEGMENT Existing Outreach Existing Engagement 6
ASSESS OUTREACH: Response Rates are the VOS Lifeline ON RESPONSE STATISTICS If “Response Rate” is higher than other audiences- consider the information coming from this audience with more confidence to represent the norm. If “Response Rate” is lower- hone the way you connect with this audience, and make sure they understand the importance of their insight for this program. If “Available to Survey” is substantially less than “Total Respondents” work on getting accurate s collected. *Your Saturation Rate is “Available to Survey” divided by “Total Registrants”. 7
Building Confidence in the Data 95% Confidence Threshold/Population Size I.e. 110 responses would result in 95% confidence that finding are representative of a total population of 500. The smaller the population, the higher proportion of responses are needed to achieve statistical confidence that feedback is representative of the entire population. 22% 36% 48% 58% 64% 72% 75% 73% 80% 8
ASSESS LOW NPS SCORES: “If there’s smoke…” DIVE DOWN INTO THE DATA USING NPS SCORES Deep dive into low NPS segments by clicking on the tile to get to the Year-To-Date screen. Set an intention to manage defensive tendencies when reading and addressing low NPS reports. Look at high NPS segments to support the good work being done, click on the tile to see specific experiences in the Year-To-Date screen that matter to your most vocal supporters. Make sure staff & volunteers know what works for your council’s high NPS segment audiences. 9
THE YEAR-TO-DATE SCREEN: Context is Everything LEARN Note Area/ “One Above” Performance Note National Performance Rank the Driver Averages ASSESS VIA Performance Cluster Position Comment Boxes Low-Performing Drivers and associated comments 10
ALL COMMENTS: Words can be mightier than the numbers! Score 1 Comment: No communication. Our 2 scout leaders just quit showing up to our meetings. They did not let us know anything. We were supposed to be working on the badges but events were never planned. Also one of our leaders took the boys books up and started signing that we had completed certain activities when we had not done those activities. ASSESS Look at trending issues by NPS grouping comments Begin to prioritize solutions based on impact levels & available resources 11
GET TO THE TOP OF THE MATTER: SEE THE BEST 10% LEARN National Rank Region Top Reps ASSESS Seek Ideas / Solutions from Councils with Common ties of size, geography or resource strength. 12
Case Study 13
VOS Interaction Cycle: Listen Learn Act Listening Learning Acting Learning Listening Individuals receive surveys once every six months. Councils receive Experience Recovery Notices each time contact is requested by respondents. View results on the VOS Dashboard. Define trends and rank impact. Generate solutions and nominate best practices. Report on results. Outline high-impact change priorities Integrate in Fall operations 20
Dashboard: Print to Review PDFs to Print Full XLS Downloads 21
Analyzing Your Council Data 19
Drivers of Loyalty, Nationally-Aggregated “Scouting is the best program around to help youth become successful.” National NPS 63% Insert council NPS here. Insert council NPS here. “Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time.” National NPS 31% “Although the Scouting program is good, the implementation of it in our area isn't building boys into leaders. They are not being taught to nor empowered to lead.” (detractor) “Leadership seems to have a hard time connecting.” (detractor) “Den meetings are great. The pack ones are excruciating. So drawn out. The kids in my sons den get bored & don’t pay attention.” (promoter) “…meetings are the biggest challenge - making them relevant and fun - leaders make or break the program” (promoter) Membership/ Youth Growth Youth Retention Cub Scout Advancement (SAMPLES) Encourage commissioner to coach for increased use of patrol method and youth leadership Invite community subject matter experts to teach merit badges and mix up meeting tempo. (SAMPLES) Encourage pack leader attendance at roundtable to learn fun ideas for den and pack meetings. Schedule a parent meting to brainstorm ways to make meetings more interesting and/or fun for them and Scouts. 27
Key National Drivers of Loyalty by Segment Cub Scouts Scouting is really fun.I learn new things in my den meetings. Cub Scout Parents Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time. Scouting is consistently reinforcing worthwhile values for my son. Boy Scouts Scouting makes me feel like I am a part of something bigger than myself. Our meetings are a good use of my time. Boy Scout Parents Scouting is the best program around to help youth become successful in life. Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time. Youth-Facing Volunteers I understand the unique benefits that Scouting provides to today’s youth. I have support from other leaders that helps me be an effective Scout leader. District & Council Volunteers My district/council is doing everything it can to delivery quality programs to Scouts I understand the unique benefits that Scouting provides to today’s youth. Chartered Organizations Our local council has made sponsoring a Scouting group simple and easy. Scouting has provided a way for my organization to impact the lives of youth. Segment AudienceLoyalty Driver #1Loyalty Driver #2 25
27 Scout meetings are a good use of my son’s time. ScoreComment 6-7My son looks forward to every meeting and loves to participate. 6-7They need to do more activities at the Den Meetings. 6-7Our Den leader does a phenomenal job. She keeps the boys engaged and they have fun learning. 3-5Meetings are more like parties, the kids run around and scream and nothing gets done. 3-5I did not sign the boys up to do coloring. I thought it would be more practical. 3-5pack meetings feel very dry and lack substance that would appeal to the scouts. The parents try their best with the den meetings but we feel they could use better training and experience. 1-2Not when they start minutes late, and the pace is slow(sometimes) 1-2Our leader doesn't like conducting meetings, he would rather go on "outings". It can be a bit much when our children need to learn something for a belt loop or patch. 1-2Not well planned out, not organized and lack of interest from scout master.
27 Scouting is constantly reinforcing worthwhile values for my son. ScoreComment 6-7 We appreciate the P.R.A.Y program to support our family's spiritual values. 6-7 Teaching my son to be a valuable member to the community thru his actions. 6-7 This depends on the leadership of any given unit. Ideally, yes. 6-7 Yes, if you make the effort to go through the materials. 3-5 Meeting are usually chaotic and more focused on an activity than a value. 3-5 As his leader I feel I can not adequately provide good enough value to this. 3-5 I think scouting is set up to reinforce values, it's just not done by his pack. 3-5 Leaders could emphasize this more. Book certainly emphasizes this well. 1-2 There is a lot of rude behavior that I don’t think is scout like 1-2 the boys run around wildly indoors and show no respect at the meeting. Boys are bossy and rude. These are not values that I tolerate at home. 1-2 The leader could not control her own son. Therefore, I could not trust her with mine. 1-2 No reinforcement of values that I have seen
Moving Forward: Next Steps 1.Identify trending issues in each NPS group for the Key Drivers 2.Create key actions to enhance Scouting for each segment. 3.Take actions on things that simple to address. 4.Report back to members, parents and volunteers. 5.Outline promotion efforts for the fall cycle. 6.Make data collection and accuracy a priority. 33
Your feedback is a gift to us as well. Going forward it’s important to get things right. We listen, we’ll learn, we’ll act. us at 34 We want to know.