Service Quality
What Makes Service Quality Unique Service is intangible - it cannot be easily measured, tested and verified in advance of sales to assure quality; Services are perishable; Precise standards like manufacturing can rarely be set; It is created and consumed simultaneously or near simultaneously; Service Production and Consumption are often inseparable i.e. Customer is in service factory.
What Makes Service Quality Unique Services offered can vary from “Producer to Producer” e.g. outlet to outlet; Outcome of Service is as important as process of delivery; assessment of quality is made during the service delivery process. Service Quality is more difficult for customer, to evaluate, than product quality; Customer cannot retain the actual service. The effect of the service can be retained.
Service Quality Model
“Delivering Service Quality” by Valerie, Parsuraman and Leonard”
Service Quality Gap The gap between expected and perceived service is a measure of service quality Expectation > Service perceived = Exceptional Quality, Expectations < Service perceived = Unacceptable quality. Expectations = Service perceived = Satisfactory Quality.
Challenges of Measurements in Service Quality
Definition of Dimensions
Definition of Dimensions
Dimension Measurements Reliability – On time delivery performance, Errors in invoices Responsiveness – Cycle time (speed) Access – Availability (24x7), Downtime of web Credibility – Financial Ratings, Image Mix of Performance Indicators and Perception Measures
Causes of Service Quality Gaps (Customer Dissatisfaction)
Gap 1 Customer Expectations (Expected Service) Lack of Market Research Orientation; Inadequate upward communication; Too many levels of management Managements Perception of Customer Expectations
Management Perceptions of Customer Expectations Gap 2 Management Perceptions of Customer Expectations Inadequate management commitment to Service Quality Perception of infeasibility Absence of goal setting Service Quality Specifications
Gap 3 Service Quality Specifications Service Delivery Role ambiguityغموض Role conflict Poor technology Lack of team work Poor employee – job fit Service Delivery
Gap 4 Service Delivery External Communications to Customers Propensityالنزعة الى to over-promise Inadequate horizontal communication External Communications to Customers
Management perceptions of consumer expectations Marketer Word-of-mouth Communication Personal Needs Past Experience Expected Service GAP 5 Perceived Service GAP 1 Service Delivery External communication to consumers GAP 3 GAP 4 Converting perceptions into service quality specifications GAP 2 Management perceptions of consumer expectations Service Provider
Establishing Service Quality Performance Standards
Performance Standards Qualitative; Quantitative; Benchmark (In line with Customer expectations).
FedEx Service Quality Indicator (Quantitative) No. of damaged packages; No. of lost packages; Missed pickups; Aircraft delays; Reopened complaints (complaints not solved first time); Wrong day late deliveries; Right day wrong delivery; Abandoned calls; Invoice adjustment requests; Missing proof of deliveries.
Concluding Thoughts
Provide Services to Colleagues and Customers Guest Relations Complaint Handling
Provide Service to colleagues and customers TYPES OF CUSTOMERS INTERNAL CUSTOMERS People with whom we work EXTERNAL CUSTOMERS Including: - International tourists - Families - Business Travellers - People with disabilities - Difficult customers Provide Service to colleagues and customers
What are wants, needs and expectations? A human need is a state of felt deprivation Wants A form taken by human needs as they are shaped by culture and individual personality Expectations To be treated with respect To be made welcome To receive timely and professional assistance and service To be understood To feel important To be appreciated To be recognised To enjoy the experience Provide Service to colleagues and customers
Provide Service to colleagues and customers WHY PEOPLE COMPLAIN? From frustration To impress other people For compensation Provide Service to colleagues and customers
When dealing with a guest complaint - NEVER Talk down to the customer Be defensive Justify why it happened Blame other people or departments Blame the customer Provide Service to colleagues and customers
COMPLAINT HANDLING PROCEDURE Listen without interruption Don’t get defensive Use a ‘sad but glad’ expression Express concern and empathy - apologise sincerely Establish the problem - ask questions Find out what they want Explain what you can and cannot do Fully discuss alternatives Take Action Follow up to ensure they are happy Provide Service to colleagues and customers
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A COMPLAINING CUSTOMER AND A DIFFICULT CUSTOMER A complaining customer is somebody whose needs and expectations have not been met A difficult customer is somebody who is a challenge to serve because of their personality, for example, they may be rude, impatient or talkative Provide Service to colleagues and customers
HOW CAN A CUSTOMER BE DIFFICULT? Rude Impatient Noisy Talkative Confused - unable to make decisions Silent Fussy Provide Service to colleagues and customers