I.C.T project How much do you know about internet safety ???
First of all You may want to test your knowledge on our internet safety quiz. The quiz will be about social network bullying. Keep a note of all the answers so you can see if you know what to do if your being bullied on the net…
QUESTION 1 If you are on a social network site and somebody is chatting to you in a mean or rude way what do you do ? a)Report and block them (if possible) b)Do nothing about it c)Bully them back
Which button below is correct if you want to report somebody ? a) b) c) QUESTION 2
If somebody asks you to send them pictures of yourself and your own personal details what do you do ? a)Tell and older person or adult b)Share it with your mates c)Send them pictures and your personal details QUESTION 3
QUESTION 4 This is the last question you will have to answer. If somebody asks to meet up with you should you go ? a)Say no and tell an adult or report them b)go with a friend c)go and meet them
ARE YOU SAFE ONLINE ? Mostly A’s - You know how to treat somebody if they are bullying you online and you are really safe. Mostly B’s - You need to spend some more time finding out about online bullying. Mostly C’s – You really need to talk to an adult about safety online. Also be extra careful with the things you say and do on a social networking site and stay extra safe.
Don’t add people you don’t know Report if somebody is being inappropriate Don’t meet up with anybody you don’t know Don’t let the bullying go to far Block somebody who is being rude. Don’t be the bully
And always remember to -
By Lauren