PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports.


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Presentation transcript:

PBIS Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports

PBIS Team Members Tiffany Johnson Staci Wetterling Liz Bridgland Kris Egge Kim Rosendahl Sara Ebsen Jamie Thompson

Why Do It? PBIS schools were more likely to: Achieve AYP Experience higher levels of academic achievement School safety Student attendance Decrease dropout rates

The Basics Set Clear Expectations Build Positive Relationships Teach Academic and Basic Social Skills Use Recognition and Rewards Classroom Management 80% - Prevention 20% - Intervention Positive Interaction Ratio 4:1

PBIS Triangle

S.T.A.R Tickets Cardinal S.T.A.R.S. Thanks for showing your STAR behaviors. It makes Roosevelt a better place. Keep up the good work!  Successful Learner  Teamwork  Accepting  Respectful  Safe Name:_______________________________ Student Grade: K Staff Member:_____________________________ Cardinal S.T.A.R.S. are Successful learners who practice Teamwork, Acceptance, Respect, and Safety.

Breakfast S.T.A.R.S Breakfast STARS: Classroom teacher nominates 2 students from their class the last Friday of the month. Dates are already scheduled! If there is a snow day, there will be no Breakfast STARS that day. Sign up students the week before! Student nomination sheets will be posted in the office WHY? Allows PBIS helpers to spend more time with kids Staff can prepare the gift certificates a head of time To ensure students from each class attend

V.I.P. Lunch V.I.P Lunch Reward: 12 students are drawn on Wednesdays before the scheduled VIP lunch The students drawn get to choose a friend to bring to the VIP lunch Thursday mornings the winners will be announced The “winners and their guests” will enjoy lunch at the VIP table. Possible Ideas for VIP lunch table: Red table cloths Center piece Candy for dessert The VIP Star behavior lunch will take place two Fridays a month Dates are already scheduled!

Star staff are nominated by other staff members each week. 2 staff members a week Mondays: Staff stars are announced A traveling trophy is given to the star staff members for the week VIP Parking Spot Paper stars are given to place outside their doors Things staff can do to help: Remember to nominate your co-workers for the positive things they do! WHY: OUR staff is wonderful so lets recognize that! Students are proud when their teachers are nominated! Classroom modeling promotes POSITVE BEHAVIORS Staff S.T.A.R.S

Major and Minor Behaviors What is the difference between major and minor behaviors? Major Behaviors are sent to the office *with a referral form* Minor Behaviors are handled in the classroom. If a behavior continues or is seen more than 3 times in one day, these behaviors are still dealt with in the classroom if at all possible.

Minor Problem Behaviors Definitions Examples Defiance Student engages in brief or low-intensity failure to follow directions or talks back.  Saying the work is boring or stupid  Not completing tasks  Refusal to work  Not completing homework  Unmotivated  Refusal to cooperate  Not following directions Disrespect Student delivers low-intensity, socially rude or dismissive messages to adults or students.  Lack of empathy  Rolling eyes/poking others  Resentment towards partnerships or groups (I don’t want to work with them.)  Complaining  Ignoring teacher (plugging ears, shutting eyes, slowness to respond)  Rudeness to adults  Argumentative Disruption Student engages in low-intensity, but inappropriate disruption.  Hyperactive  Pouting setting self up as a victim  Tattling  Blurting out  Complaining  Improper dress/hygiene  Unfocused/off-task Inappropriate Language Student engages in low-intensity instance of inappropriate language.  Put downs  Violent language/drawings/games  Name calling Physical Aggression Student engages in non-serious, but inappropriate physical contact.  Horseplay (chasing, scuffing, or pushing where no one gets hurt) Property Misuse Student engages in low-intensity misuse of property.  Playing with toys/objects  Tipping chair  Scribbling or throwing items  Not managing property (not bringing backpacks, not putting belongings and materials where they need to be) Other Student engages in any other minor problem behaviors that do not fall within the above categories.

MAJOR Problem Behaviors Definitions Examples Abusive Language/ Profanity Student delivers verbal messages that include swearing, name calling, or use of words in an inappropriate way.  Swearing at someone  Threatening other students with harm Bullying The delivery of direct or technology-based messages that involve intimidation, teasing, taunting, threats, or name calling.  Intimidation  Teasing  Taunting  Threats  Excessive name calling Insubordination Student engages in refusal to follow directions or talks back.  Minor defiant behaviors that are continuous/chronic Disrespect Student delivers socially rude or dismissive messages to adults or students.  Minor defiant disrespectful behaviors that are continuous/chronic Disruption Student engages in behavior causing an interruption in a class or activity. Disruption includes sustained loud talk, yelling, or screaming; noise with materials; horseplay or roughhousing; and/or sustained out-of-seat behavior.  Sustained loud talking  Yelling/Screaming  Creating noisy situations  Sustained out of seat behavior  Horseplay or roughhousing Fighting Student is involved in mutual participation in an incident involving physical violence.  Fists being used to punch  Pulling hair  Pushing or shoving that causes injuries to be checked by the nurse Theft/Plagiarism Student is involved by being in possession of, having passed on, or being responsible for removing someone else's property; or the student has signed a person’s name without that person’s permission, or claims someone else’s work as their own.  Possessing, passing on, removing of someone else’s property Harassment The delivery of disrespectful messages in any format related to gender, ethnicity, sex, race, religion, disability, physical features, or other protected class.  Repeated threatening language  Statements that injure others Inappropriate Location Student is in an area that is outside of school boundaries (as defined by school).  Not being where directed Lying/Cheating Student delivers message that is untrue and/or deliberately violates rules.  Telling untruths to staff or others  Copying others Physical Aggression Student engages in actions involving serious physical contact where injury may occur (e.g., hitting, punching, hitting with an object, kicking, hair pulling, scratching, etc.).  Horseplay that causes injury  Hitting, kicking, or punching  Hitting with an object  Hair pulling Property Damage Student participates in an activity that results in destruction or disfigurement of property.  Breaking chairs or desks  Damaging school or other students’ property Skip class Student leaves or misses class without permission.  Not being where assigned Other Behavior Student engages in problem behavior not listed.

Referral Forms Problem BehaviorsAction Taken Minor  Defiance  Disrespect  Disruption  Inappropriate Language  Physical Aggression  Property Misuse  Tardy  Technology Violation  Other___________ Major  Abusive Language/Profanity  Bullying  Insubordination  Disrespect  Disruption  Fighting  Physical Aggression  Theft/Plagiarism  Harassment  Inappropriate Location  Lying/Cheating  Property Damage  Skip Class  Other___________ Administrative Signature: ______________________ Possible Motivation  Obtain peer attention  Obtain adult attention  Obtain items/activities  Avoid Peer(s)  Avoid task or activity  Don’t Know  Other Consequences  Conference with student  Discuss concerns with Classroom Teacher/Case Manager  Restrain/Seclusion  Loss of Privilege  In school suspension (_____days)  Out of school suspension (_____days)  Parent Contact_________  Restitution  Social Worker  Sent to another area  Time in Office (STOP and THINK)  Other ________________ Roosevelt Elementary School –Disciplinary Referral –K-5 Name: ___________________________Date:_____________________Time:____________ Teacher:__________________________Grade K Referring Staff:________________ Location: ___Bathroom ___Bus ___Cafeteria ___Classroom ___Hallway ___Allied Arts ___Playground ___Other__________ Others involved in incident: ___None ___Peers ___Staff ___Teacher ___Unknown ___Other Comments:__________________________________________________________________________________________

Do you need ideas or support with handling minor behaviors? 1 st check out the website for examples and interventions at If two of the ideas were unsuccessful, please see Tiffany Johnson! Tiffany will bring the concerns to the team! The team will meet every other Wednesday.

WE can … Create positive relationships. Teach expectations and procedures in common areas. Use the referral form if you need to send a student to the office.