Introduction to Pronouns Copyright © 2011 Middle School Novel Units Inc St. Petersburg, FL The purchaser of this unit has the permission to use these materials in a single classroom only. Use of or reproduction by an entire school or school system or any other type of institution or for any commercial use is strictly prohibited. No part of this presentation may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in any form without the express written permission of the publisher.
Length: Approximately 5 minutes
Pronouns A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun.
Some common examples of pronouns: Imyyouhershe himthey alleveryone someone myself
Example of a pronoun in use: Madison had to stop playing soccer to get a drink of water. (noun) She had to stop playing soccer to get a drink of water. (pronoun) In the second sentence, the proper noun, “Madison,” is replaced by the pronoun, “she.”
Pronouns are useful because, without them, writing can be very boring and repetitive.
For example: Boring and repetitive: Madison had to stop playing soccer to get a drink of water. Madison was very thirsty and Madison’s throat was dry. Better: Madison had to stop playing soccer to get a drink of water. She was very thirsty and her throat was dry.
Pay close attention as I identify the pronouns of the following sentences.
1.William started using the computer when he was only 3 years old.
2. Hannah sometimes goes to watch her boyfriend play basketball.
3. There was a scratch on her right hand from when she accidentally cut herself with scissors.
4. Anthony cut out pictures from a magazine to use in his project.
5. His parents would never have allowed him to be so rude.
6. It was lonely for Billy to live by himself, but he needed peace and quiet while he was working.