Neighborhood Crime Map
Thoughts on Crime?
1 Shots Fired 1 Purse Snatching (1.8%) 4 Vandalism Incidents 2 Car Thefts (1.4%), 1 Stolen Plate (3.2%) 1 House Break (0.5%), 1 Car Break (0.6%) 1 Theft from Person, 1 Theft from Property (0.7%) Crimes 0.8% of Total Crime in Revere
Disturbance Calls
Fights/General Disturbances Loud Stereo Complaints Suspicious Activity 45 Calls for Service 1 Arrest 17 Unfounded Disturbance Calls
Remember to lock car and house doors Always be aware of surroundings When calling the police station: Giving your information? Persons involved: How many, race, age, clothing, plate (if driving a car) Suggestions
Jeff Rude Revere Police Department 400 Revere Beach Pkwy Revere, MA Desk: