Chapter 5 Intercultural Communication Universitas Ciputra Business Communication: Pocess & Product, 8e Guffey & Loewy Business Communication Even Semester 2014/2015 International Business Management
Increasing Importance of Intercultural Communication Globalization of markets Technological advancements General global interconnectivity Multicultural workforce
Characteristics of Culture Culture is learned Culture is inherently logical Culture is the basis for individual and community identity Culture is dynamic
Dimensions of Culture Context Working style Time orientation Formality Communication style
Characteristics of High and Low-Context Cultures High Context Cultures Relational Collectivist Intuitive Contemplative High Context Japanese Arab Latin America Spanish English Italian French N. American Scandinavian German Swiss Low Context Cultures Logical Linear Individualistic Action-oriented Low Context
Dimensions of Culture WORKING STYLE High-context : value group membership/decision/discussion Low-context: value individualism Formality High-context: place more emphasis on tradition, ceremony, and social rules Low-context : place less emphasis on such activities
Dimensions of Culture Communication style Time orientation High-context : rely on non-verbal cues to communicate. Meanings are embedded at many socio cultural levels. Low-context : emphasize words, straightforwardness, and openness. Time orientation High-context : Time is money. Value punctuality. Low-context : Take time to decide. More relaxed.
Improving Intercultural Oral Communication Learn foreign phrases Use simple English Speak slowly and clearly Observe eye messages Encourage accurate feedback Check frequently for comprehension Accept blame Listen without interrupting Remember to smile Follow up in writing
Improving Intercultural Written Communication Adjust your writing style and tone Avoid humor to prevent misunderstandings Use short sentences and short paragraphs Mind titles and ranks Avoid ambiguous expressions Strive for clarity Use correct grammar Cite numbers carefully
Improving Communications In A Diverse Workplace Seek training Understand the value of differences Don’t expect conformity Make fewer assumptions
Proverbs Reflect Culture What do these proverbs tell us about a culture and its values? US Proverbs “He who holds the gold makes the rules” “The early bird gets the worm” Chinese Proverbs “A man who waits for a roast duck to fly into his mouth must wait a very, very long time” “A man who says it cannot be done should not interrupt a man doing it”
Customs & Habit Yellow blooms signify deceit 1. Giving Flowers in Russia Yellow blooms signify deceit or a relationship break-up. Skip red carnations. Traditionally, red carnations are placed on the graves of the dead, or are offered to surviving war veterans.
Customs & Habit Clocks, handkerchiefs, straw 2. Giving Gifts in China Clocks, handkerchiefs, straw sandals and flowers are all associated with death and funerals in China.
Customs & Habit When tucking into a meal in 3. Adding Salt in Egypt When tucking into a meal in Egypt, try to avoid using the salt-shaker. It’s insulting to your host to sprinkle salt on your food. If you have to season your plate, it means that you find the meal’s taste repulsive.
Customs & Habit Here’s one place where being 4. Being Punctual in Venezuela Here’s one place where being early or on time is viewed as being rude. If you are invited over to someone’s home for a meal, it’s recommended that you arrive 10-15 mins late. Early or on time guests are viewed as being too eager, even greedy.
Customs & Habit Gift giving should be a happy, 5. Giving Gifts in Netherlands Gift giving should be a happy, positive experience. When selecting a present for someone in the Netherlands, don’t purchase fancy kitchen knives or scissors. Giving sharp, pointy objects as gifts is considered unlucky.
Customs & Habit This old custom dates back to 6. Clinking Glasses in Hungary This old custom dates back to the 1849 war with Austria. After defeating Hungarian forces and savagely killing thirteen of their military’s leaders, Austrian generals were celebrating by smugly clinking glasses and drinking beer.
Customs & Habit It’s rude to discuss business 7. Talking Business in Bolivia It’s rude to discuss business during social occasions, such as a wedding, or dinner party. If you’re attending a business lunch or dinner, wait until your host brings up the subject of work. They may want to talk about family first before going into business.
Customs & Habit When doing business in Turkey, it’s the custom for 8. Dining in Turkey When doing business in Turkey, it’s the custom for your host to pay for your meal. Requests to split the bill will be viewed as a polite gesture, but won’t be accepted. If you would like to pay your fair share, Turks recommend inviting your host to a follow- up meal.
Customs & Habit Be mindful of your pen’s ink 9. Using Red Colour in Korea Be mindful of your pen’s ink colour. Scrawling a person’s name in red ink traditionally signifies that the person is deceased – an important point to remember when giving a birthday card.
Customs & Habit In Finland, sauna is a popular 10. Sauna Invitation in Finland In Finland, sauna is a popular way to relax and socialize with family and friends. Don’t be surprised if your business meeting is followed up with an invitation to the sauna. If you receive such a request, rest assured that your business meeting went well.