Internet Access In Argyll & Bute Pat McCann Area Librarian & IT Systems Development Manager Argyll & Bute Library Service
Contents of Presentation People’s Network in Argyll & Bute Acceptable Use Policy Internet Filter Operational Problems
People’s Network Background NOF Funding £274,202 (CALL Programme) £48,605 (Staff ICT Training) Library Branding elibraries LITE Charging Policy Charge only for consumables
People’s Network Background Learning Centres (2MB) Helensburgh (April 02) Oban (April 02) Campbeltown (May 02) Dunoon (July 02) Rothesay (July 02) Lochgilphead (Sept. 02) Information Points (256KB) Tarbert (August 02) Cardross (December 02) Cove (December 02) Garelochhead (Dec. 02) Rhu (January 03) Rosneath (January 03) Tobermory (January 03)
Acceptable Use Policy Users Must Always Read and sign AUP Adults (age 16+) Children (age 11 - 15) Arrange Internet access via library staff Logout correctly at the end of each session Treat equipment and other users with respect
Acceptable Use Policy Users Must Never Access, create or transmit offensive material Transmit illegal material Disclose their Login ID or Password Respond to nasty, suggestive or rude emails Read emails intended for others Load personal software on to the PC Use the system for commercial and political activities or sending chain letters and spreading viruses
Acceptable Use Policy Personal Safety Take care disclosing home address and phone no. Take care disclosing bank details Take care making arrangements to meet someone Avoid staying in chat rooms if they make you feel uncomfortable Always be yourself Save unsolicited email attachments to file before opening Offers appearing too good to be true probably are
Internet Filter Internet content security provided by I-Gear (Symantec) Two levels of filter Adult (age 18+) Children (age 17 and under) Access by Login ID and Password Two Login IDs and Passwords per PC ie. one for adults and one for children
Internet Filter Filter Restrictions Blocks DDR settings Subject categories Unresolved IP addresses Home directories File extensions - zip, wav, sit, mpg, mov, moov, hqx, exe DDR settings Outgoing threshold = 10 / Incoming threshold = 75 Autolock after 30 blocks in a 10 minute period Timeout of 20 minutes
Operational Problems Problems Resolved Blocked access to legitimate websites DDR settings too low Users logging out incorrectly Frequent system timeouts
Operational Problems Problems Unresolved Access to I-Gear software Method of logging on users Network security