Unit 1 KEY WORDS in Unit 1 (page 8)
Sum-up activity: VOCABULARY KEY WORDS (page 8) Make sure you understand these terms! AFTER Previous knowledge vocabulary activity …
/ noun Listen to the pronunciation at to laugh loudly, especially at something stupid that someone has said or done to laugh repeatedly in a quiet but uncontrolled way, often at something silly or rude or when you are nervous
a way of criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way, or a piece of writing or play which uses this style
a change in the way in which something happens: Ex: There's an unexpected twist in the plot towards the end of the film. to laugh nervously, often at something that you feel you should not be laughing at
Correction of Previous Knowledge Activity 1.embody A. give sudden release to an expression (laughing, crying, …) 2. pun B. when something provokes an irresistible effect (= positive meaning) or overcomes you completely (= negative meaning) 3. release C. to be free from something negative (obligation, pain, etc..) 4. burst out/into D. to give a concrete form, to express, personify, or exemplify in concrete form 5. can’t help E. a funny word game DECAB
What term do these definitions refer to? The substantive of the verb “laugh”: ______________ An amusing imitation: ______________ A sequence of funny drawings telling a story: ______________ The climactic phrase or sentence in a joke: ______________ You don’t understand jokes if you don’t have this emotional ability: ______________ Activity 2: LAUGHTER PARODY COMIC STRIP PUNCHLINE, also PUNCH LINE SENSE OF HUMOUR
Sum-up activity: VOCABULARY Homework: Workbook: Due on Monday, the 17 of September Activities 1 and 2 a, b on page 6 + TEST on …