Britain and the British In one word 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Opposites English - American Do/make Britain and the British Riddles
Afraid, frightened, scared Full of fear Afraid, frightened, scared
concerned with energy or forces that produce motion dynamic
aware of feelings, moods, reactions, etc sensitive
orderly and efficient organized
able to tolerate the beliefs, actions, opinions, etc., of others tolerant
temperamental or changeable or gloomy moody
friendly and sociable outgoing
sure of oneself; bold confident
able to be trusted; predictable reliable
thoughtful towards other people; kind considerate
thick thin
polite rude
overweight skinny
permanent temporary
partial total
wild tame
strange familiar
plain attractive
serious frivolous
drunk sober
luggage baggage
flat apartment
pavement sidewalk
taxi cab
motorway freeway
aerial antenna
lift elevator
wardrobe closet
curtains drapes
garden yard
homework do
exercises do
An examination do
A mistake make
(smb) a favour do
A noise make
The shopping do
An effort make
A phone call make
An agreement make
The colour that represents Ireland is ___ green
What`s the name of the British flag? Union Jack
What is Ben Nevis and where is it situated? A mountain in W Scotland, in the Grampian mountains: highest peak in Great Britain
What is Eisteddfod? any of a number of annual festivals in Wales, in which competitions are held in music, poetry, drama, and the fine arts
The famous British newspaper which is printed on pink paper is _____________ The Financial Times
What sort of programmes can you hear on BBC 1? Pop music
The Conservative Party What are the Tories? The Conservative Party
What are the Derby, the Grand National and the Gold Cup? Horse races
Where do people speak Cockney? London
This round place is often called the centre of London This round place is often called the centre of London. There is a statue of Eros in the middle of it. Piccadilly Circus
What most resembles the half of an orange? The other half
If yesterday two weeks ago was Saturday, what day will be tomorrow? Monday
Why do white sheep eat more grass than black ones? Because there are more white sheep in the world
What does a cat have that no other animals have? Kittens
What is the end of everything? Letter “G”
What goes up into the air white and comes down yellow? An egg
What goes up and never goes down? Your age
What often falls and never gets hurt? snow
What part of a river is a Greek letter? The delta
What goes up and down at the same time? A staircase