Vocabulary: Shortcuts :)= ………………………………... :(= ………………………………… :o = ………………………………. CU = ………………………………. 4U = ………………………………. 2U = ……………………………... I’m happy I’m sad I’m surprised See you For you To you
Vocabulary: Shortcuts CUL8R = …………………………………. RUOK? = ………………………………… 2b/nt2b=? ………………………………………………… See you later Are you OK? To be or not to be, that is the question
1.Write the correct number to answer the question. How many links are shared per minute? How many photos are tagged each minute? How many event invites are there per minute? How many wall posts are there per minute? How many status updates are there each minute? 50,304 66,168 74,204 79,364 82,557
2. Complete these sentences with the right word. Every 60 seconds, there are 98,604 ……………………………………………. approved. Each minute, 135,849 ……………………………… are uploaded and 231,605 ………………………… are sent. There are 382,861 ………………………………… and 510,404 ……………………………………… every 60 seconds. friends requests photos messages « likes » comments
Reading Comprehension 150 ……………………………… ………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………….. the optimum number of friendships the average Facebook user has 130 ‘friends’ Ivy Bean joined Facebook Ivy died in 2010 the maximum number of ‘friends’ permitted on Facebook Ivy had 4,962 friends on Facebook Ivy had followers on Twitter
Writing Rules 1 You ________ write in English. 2 You ________ be rude or nasty. 3 You ________ be boring. 4 You ________ be under 18. must mustn’t