Three Problem Statements Jiguang Zhang 67% C 58% 67% 75%
In three weeks, I will create an A3 size information poster which consists of 6 pictures found from internet with explanation in Chinese about Chinese traditional music for uneducated Chinese citizens (Li, 2013) to learn three reasons of studying knowledge of Chinese traditional music (Travel China guide, n.d.) in one day by viewing the 6 pictures in poster. A*ABCPASSFAIL 01. LOGIC: Easily understood and logically clear meaningA*ABCPASSFAIL 02. CLARITY: One complete sentence with no errorsA*ABCPASSFAIL 03. DIFFICULTY: A topic that can be at college-levelA*ABCPASSFAIL 04. OUTPUT: A clear product for gradingA*ABCPASSFAIL 05. VIABILITY: The proposed output is doable before deadlineA*ABCPASSFAIL 06. BENEFICIARY: Exactly who will benefit from proposalA*ABCPASSFAIL 07. URGENCY: Beneficiary need is convincingly urgentA*ABCPASSFAIL 08. NEED: Beneficiary need is quantifiedA*ABCPASSFAIL 09. RELEVANCE: What beneficiaries must do to meet needsA*ABCPASSFAIL 10. OBJECTIVITY: Measurable verbs and nounsA*ABCPASSFAIL 11. ORIGINALITY: Use of elements of originalityA*ABCPASSFAIL 12. PROOF (Bonus): Use of authoritative supportA*ABCPASSFAIL G00INSERT COMPLETE STUDENT NAME HERE Zhang Jiguang Mr. Jaime19-Nov-13 ASSESSMENT RUBRIC : STATEMENT OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEM A* = 90 to 100 A = 80 to 90 B = 70 to 80 C = 60 to 70 D = 50 to 60 F = 0 to 49 [In drafting: PASS or FAIL grade only] LAST VIEWED NEXT SLIDE LAST SLIDE FIRST SLIDE PREVIOUS SLIDE END SHOW 58%
References Li, A. (2013). Why are Chinese tourists so rude? a few sights. Retrieved Nov 19, 2013, from chinese-tourists-so-rude?page=allhttp:// chinese-tourists-so-rude?page=all Travel China guide. (n.d.). Chinese music. Retrieved Nov 19, 2013, from Topic sentence Uneducated Chinese citizens(Li, 2013) can learn three reasons of studying knowledge of Chinese traditional music (Travel China guide, n.d.) in one day by viewing the pictures in poster. Research question Can uneducated Chinese citizens learn three reasons of studying knowledge of Chinese traditional music (Travel China guide, n.d.) in one day by viewing the pictures in poster? It’s a long article. Which paragraph is directly related to your research?
In three weeks, I will create an A3 seize instruction poster which contains 9 pictures found from internet with explanation in Chinese for the restaurants’ owners in Lanzhou, China to reduce the food wastage(Blythman, 2013) and environment pollution (Bloom, 2010) in 6 days by following 9 ways on the poster. A*ABCPASSFAIL 01. LOGIC: Easily understood and logically clear meaningA*ABCPASSFAIL 02. CLARITY: One complete sentence with no errorsA*ABCPASSFAIL 03. DIFFICULTY: A topic that can be at college-levelA*ABCPASSFAIL 04. OUTPUT: A clear product for gradingA*ABCPASSFAIL 05. VIABILITY: The proposed output is doable before deadlineA*ABCPASSFAIL 06. BENEFICIARY: Exactly who will benefit from proposalA*ABCPASSFAIL 07. URGENCY: Beneficiary need is convincingly urgentA*ABCPASSFAIL 08. NEED: Beneficiary need is quantifiedA*ABCPASSFAIL 09. RELEVANCE: What beneficiaries must do to meet needsA*ABCPASSFAIL 10. OBJECTIVITY: Measurable verbs and nounsA*ABCPASSFAIL 11. ORIGINALITY: Use of elements of originalityA*ABCPASSFAIL 12. PROOF (Bonus): Use of authoritative supportA*ABCPASSFAIL G00INSERT COMPLETE STUDENT NAME HERE Zhang Jiguang Mr. Jaime19-Nov-13 ASSESSMENT RUBRIC : STATEMENT OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEM A* = 90 to 100 A = 80 to 90 B = 70 to 80 C = 60 to 70 D = 50 to 60 F = 0 to 49 [In drafting: PASS or FAIL grade only] LAST VIEWED NEXT SLIDE LAST SLIDE FIRST SLIDE PREVIOUS SLIDE END SHOW 67%
References Bloom, J. (2010). How to avoid food waste aids our environment. Retrieved Nov 19, 2013, from a_b_ htmlhttp:// a_b_ html Blythaman, J. (Oct 2013). Tesco says almost 30,000 tonnes of food 'wasted'. Retrieved Nov 19, 2013, from Topic sentence The restaurants’ owners in Lanzhou, China can reduce the wastage of food (Blythman, 2013) and pollution of environment (Bloom, 2010) in 6 days by following 9 ways on the poster. Research question Can the restaurants’ owners in Lanzhou, China reduce the food wastage(Blythman, 2013) and environment pollution(Bloom, 2010) in 6 days by following 9 ways on the poster? Quantify “wastage” Quantify “environmental pollution” Identify the paragraph that supports your idea.
In three weeks, I will create an A3 size instruction poster which contains 7 steps with explanation in English which from the first phase to last phase will instruct AiU scholars (Albukhary International University, 2012) who have many mistakes in their research paper to conduct a college level research paper (Baker & Brizee, 2013) in three weeks by following the 7 steps in the poster. A*ABCPASSFAIL 01. LOGIC: Easily understood and logically clear meaningA*ABCPASSFAIL 02. CLARITY: One complete sentence with no errorsA*ABCPASSFAIL 03. DIFFICULTY: A topic that can be at college-levelA*ABCPASSFAIL 04. OUTPUT: A clear product for gradingA*ABCPASSFAIL 05. VIABILITY: The proposed output is doable before deadlineA*ABCPASSFAIL 06. BENEFICIARY: Exactly who will benefit from proposalA*ABCPASSFAIL 07. URGENCY: Beneficiary need is convincingly urgentA*ABCPASSFAIL 08. NEED: Beneficiary need is quantifiedA*ABCPASSFAIL 09. RELEVANCE: What beneficiaries must do to meet needsA*ABCPASSFAIL 10. OBJECTIVITY: Measurable verbs and nounsA*ABCPASSFAIL 11. ORIGINALITY: Use of elements of originalityA*ABCPASSFAIL 12. PROOF (Bonus): Use of authoritative supportA*ABCPASSFAIL G00INSERT COMPLETE STUDENT NAME HERE Zhang Jiguang Mr. Jaime19-Nov-13 ASSESSMENT RUBRIC : STATEMENT OF THE RESEARCH PROBLEM A* = 90 to 100 A = 80 to 90 B = 70 to 80 C = 60 to 70 D = 50 to 60 F = 0 to 49 [In drafting: PASS or FAIL grade only] LAST VIEWED NEXT SLIDE LAST SLIDE FIRST SLIDE PREVIOUS SLIDE END SHOW 75%
References Albukhary International University. (2012). About albukhary international university. Retrieved Nov 19, 2013, from Baker, J. A., Brizee, A. (2013). Writing a research paper. Retrieved Nov 19, 2013, from Topic sentence AiU scholars(Albukhary International University, 2012) who have many mistakes in their research paper can conduct a college level research paper (Baker & Brizee, 2013) in three weeks by following the 7 steps in the poster. Research question Can AiU scholars(Albukhary International University, 2012) who have many mistakes in their research paper conduct a college level research paper (Baker & Brizee, 2013) in three weeks by following the 7 steps in the poster. Quantify “wastage” Quantify “environmental pollution” Identify the paragraph that supports your idea.
Notes Please revise as necessary, and then proceed to thesis statements.