Aberdeen Youth Justice Development Programme ‘The Whole System Approach’
Stuart Robb Scottish Government
National Drivers Preventing Offending by Young People: Framework for Action Securing Our Future Initiative Reducing Re-offending Programme United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Getting it right for every child
ACC Colin Menzies Grampian Police
Referrals to the Reporter
Inappropriate Referrals to the Reporter
Average time taken for decision
16 & 17 yr olds charged by police
Recorded crimes and offences
Young people committing crimes & offences
Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service John Richardson Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
Integrated Services Lead Youth Justice Development Programme Sacro Billy Nicol Integrated Services Lead Youth Justice Development Programme Sacro
Integrated Services Delivery Anticipated Benefits Identify gaps in services Realign current services Assertive Outreach Intensive Community Support and Learning Intensive Support and Monitoring Potential for increased use of Restorative Practices Use Single Plan Better outcomes for young people Support tailored to need Shared risk management Reassurance to the community Keep young people in Aberdeen Improved information sharing Better use of resources
Benefits PRS/Diversion 2009/10 13 young people were diverted from prosecution in the year (12 RJ and 1 Social Work) 2010/11 109 young people were diverted from prosecution in eleven months (51 RJ and 58 Social Work)
Benefits ECCM Comparison between RJ and Court
Benefits ECCM Cost comparison Based on financial model designed by Capgemini with data provided by Grampian Police, COPFS, SCS and Sacro
Benefits Intensive Support ISS case
Benefits Intensive Support ISS case
Benefits Integrated Service Cost projected for ISMS: Approximate cost for 1 week for one young person was between £1,409.71 and £1,576.23*. The annual cost projects to between £73,305.13 and £81,964.00*. The attendance at reference groups is temporary – costing approximately £2.015.37 for the first twelve weeks (£8,733.27 for a year). This is not included in the above figures, as they would not continue once the Service is established. The two weeks respite costing £4,000 (per week) for young person is not included in these figures – so including these – and projecting 2 weeks per quarter would take the total cost to the LA up another £32,000.00 These are projected costs based on the first case and may not be replicated for all young people aquiring an ISMS
Head of Children’s Services, Aberdeen City Council Susan Devlin Head of Children’s Services, Aberdeen City Council