TABLE 1: Average (mean) monthly rents (£) for 1 Bedroom Properties in 2010 and 2014 (years to end-Sept), with Cumulative % change Cumulative Change Aberdeen and Shire % Lothian % Greater Glasgow % Scotland % Fife % Highland and Islands % Dundee and Angus % East Dunbartonshire % West Lothian % Argyll and Bute % Perth and Kinross % Dumfries and Galloway % Renfrewshire / Inverclyde % North Lanarkshire % Scottish Borders % Forth Valley % South Lanarkshire % West Dunbartonshire % Ayrshires %
1 Bedroom Properties Average Rent Changes
2 Bedroom Properties - Average (mean) Monthly Rents (£): Cumulative Changes 2010 to 2014, by Broad Rental Market Area Cumulative ChangeCumulative CPI Aberdeen and Shire %11.7% Lothian %11.7% Scotland %11.7% Greater Glasgow %11.7% Fife %11.7% Highland and Islands %11.7% Dundee and Angus %11.7% East Dunbartonshire %11.7% West Lothian %11.7% Forth Valley %11.7% South Lanarkshire %11.7% Perth and Kinross %11.7% Renfrewshire / Inverclyde %11.7% North Lanarkshire %11.7% Dumfries and Galloway %11.7% Scottish Borders %11.7% Ayrshires %11.7% Argyll and Bute %11.7% West Dunbartonshire %11.7%
2 Bed Properties Average Rent Change from 2010 to 2014
TABLE 5: Average (mean) monthly rents (£) for 3 Bedroom Properties in 2010 and 2014 (years to end-Sept), with Cumulative % change Cumulative Change Aberdeen and Shire7441, % Lothian9181, % Greater Glasgow % Fife % Scotland % East Dunbartonshire % Dundee and Angus % Highland and Islands % West Lothian % Scottish Borders % Dumfries and Galloway % Ayrshires % Renfrewshire / Inverclyde % North Lanarkshire % Argyll and Bute % West Dunbartonshire % Forth Valley % Perth and Kinross % South Lanarkshire %
3 Bedroom Property Average Rent Changes
TABLE 7: Average (mean) monthly rents (£) for 4 Bedroom Properties in 2010 and 2014 (years to end-Sept), with Cumulative % change Cumulative Change Aberdeen and Shire9441, % Dundee and Angus % Renfrewshire / Inverclyde % Greater Glasgow1,0671, % Scotland9591, % East Dunbartonshire1,1351, % Fife % Ayrshires % Lothian1,2911, % West Lothian % Perth and Kinross % South Lanarkshire % Scottish Borders % Dumfries and Galloway % Forth Valley % North Lanarkshire % Highland and Islands % Argyll and Bute % West Dunbartonshire %
4 Bedroom Property Average Rent Changes