EyeVisibility Produces a ray of light that burns into a marked piece of card Sunshine recorder Sunshine Shows the direction the wind is coming FROM Wind vaneWind direction Air pressure is marked on graph paper by pen on a sensitive arm. BarometerAir pressure Needs to be several metres off the ground AnemometerWind Speed Needs to be on a non splash surface Rain GaugePrecipitation Held in a Stevenson screen, which is 1m above ground, with slated sides, and painted white Thermometer (Max/Min) Temperature Any special features?What do we measure it with? What do we measure?
Using full sentences suggest why: A Stevenson screen is slated, white and stands above the ground A rain gauge needs to be on a splash free surface Why an anemometer needs to be several metres off the ground?
Presenting Weather Data There are certain rules that apply when we look at weather data. Temperature and wind speed are shown as line graphs Precipitation is always shown as a bar graph Wind direction is shown on a wind rose Air pressure is shown on a barograph- which is a type of line graph without straight axis
Drawing Graphs It is possible that you will be asked to complete and or read a graph in your exam. Construct the following graphs: Temperature in Aberdeen, August º 14º 17º 20º Temperature Date 16º23 15º22 16º21 14º24 TemperatureDate
Rainfall in Aberdeen 2mm27 0mm26 3mm25 4mm24 1mm23 0mm22 4mm21 RainfallDate NW27 SW26 W25 W24 NW23 SW22 SW21 WindDate Wind direction in Aberdeen August 2003
BBC Weather symbols
What was the wind speed in the English Channel? What type of weather was Edinburgh experiencing? Describe the weather conditions in Ireland
Name the following weather instruments:
Rain Gauge-is dug into the ground so no water is splashed into it Wind Vane-has the main compass points on it. Sunshine Recorder-out in the open to catch all the sunlight and has a recording card marked in hours. Anemometer-has cups to catch the wind. Stevenson Screen- contains thermometers. Is painted white to reflect the sun's rays. Stands off the ground to measure air temp.
Why are computers used for weather forecasting?