Paediatric Surgical Services Is there a Scottish Way?
Plan Background Issues Bending the ear of those in government Future
Background Two Scottish Surgical Colleges RCA – Scottish Advisory Board AAGBI - Scottish Standing Committee What forum is there for paediatric issues in Scotland?
A bit of vision 1997 A surgical Chief Medical Officer and a Professor of Paediatric Surgery Acute Services Review Treatment Services for Children included recommending child centred services
An unwieldy name Scottish College’s Committee for Children’s Surgical Services
The committee will constitute a collective voice for Children’s Surgical practice in Scotland, providing advice to the Colleges and SGHD on matters concerning service delivery, quality assurance and, if required, the manpower implications of training.
SCCCSS Avoid political association Need for substance Involve all the Royal Colleges All specialties represented Paeds surgery, orthopaedics, ENT, neuro, cardiac, ophthalmology, Plus anaesthesia, ICU, nursing, radiology, emergency medicine, paediatric medicine
SCCCSS But also Representative of the CMO NSD General surgical (DGH) rep Six monthly meetings Opportunity for round table discussion of issues relevant to paediatric practice
Sounds like something else? Children’s Surgical Forum? “it appears that the concerns in England and Wales are very similar to those raised through this group.’ Minutes of SCCCSS Dec 2005 SCCCSS was first!
What has it done for Scottish Children? General Designation of Health Board members with responsibility for children Workforce planning
Key Issues Manpower Standards Service Delivery Age Priority
What has it done for Scottish Children? General Designation of Health Board members with responsibility for children Workforce planning New tertiary children’s hospitals
What has it done for Scottish Children? General Designation of Health Board members with responsibility for children Workforce planning Standards for care of children in District General Hospitals
2010 Support of Specialist Services for Children and Young People within a District General Hospital
What has it done for Scottish Children? General Designation of Health Board members with responsibility for children Workforce planning Standards for care of children in District General Hospitals New tertiary children’s hospitals
Aberdeen 2004
Glasgow 2015ish
Edinburgh 2017ish
Aberdeen 2015ish
What has it done for Scottish Children? Surgical Reviews of General surgery of childhood Paediatric neurosurgery Renal transplantation services Cleft lip and palate Surgical Outcomes
An early attempt at providing measurable and meaningful quality outcome indicators for paediatric practice
Anaesthetic involvement Initially tertiary, DGH and ICU rep appointed by RCA Notable involvement David Simpson Neil Morton Jane Peutrell APA representation stems from then Currently three anaesthetic reps RCA – G Wilson (Hon Sec) APA – Carolyn Smith SPAN – John Rutherford
Anaesthetic Specific SPICA PICU retrieval service - SCOTSTAR HDU audit and allocation of funds from the National Delivery Plan Continued support for delivery of non-specialist services
Communicating with Government Mutual respect Interface with decision makers – early interaction with National Clinical Lead for Children’s and Young People’s Health Senior Medical Officer attends Medical Director of NSD
Future Representation Finance Awareness
Formalisation of Advisory Role SCCCSS has stayed away from this as it risks extending the role beyond the remit of the organisation The Scottish Government has ultimate responsibility and takes advice from SCCCSS on this
Finance Currently funded by College of Surgeons jointly Limiting but liberating!
Awareness Limited knowledge of committee existence Minutes distributed to Colleges only Should they be more publicly available?