Scottish FA Referee Operations
EXISTING POSITION Inconsistencies between Associations Number of Meetings per year (124 meetings) excluding Council Meetings Attendance (20% - 30% of Total Membership) Length of Business at Meetings Relevance and Impact of Coaching to all members Consistency with coaching of Elite Referees (i.e. FIFA, CAT 1, 3SAR, etc.)
PROPOSED POSITION 12 Associations become 6 Regions (SFA Regions) 124 Meetings become 25 Meetings - 4 meetings per Region plus 1 Summer Conference for Grassroots Referees Each Region controlled by a Referee Manager and Assistant – reporting direct to Scottish FA Business conducted by Secretary & Assistant – No Council elected within each Region Use of Technology - Extranet / SFA Website to support administration
PROPOSED BENEFITS GRASSROOTS REFEREES (Referees from Category 4 downwards) - Education / Coaching / Incentives / no membership fee / contact with Elite referees regularly / less meetings / monies and contacts available under Regions / no postcode lottery / Summer Conference for Grassroots Referees ELITE REFEREES (Category 1, 2, 3 Referees & Category 3SAR) - Less commitments / no duplication of coaching / coaching involvement & participation with Regions
PROPOSED BENEFITS REFEREE COMMITTEE – Increased control of Regions / all disciplinary & administration matters dealt with consistently / comply with UEFA Referee Convention SCOTTISH FA – Costs saving / more monies to use for recruitment & retention and improving coaching for grassroots referees / uniformity
Grassroots Referees Sub-Committees 1. Administration 2. Constitution 3. Facilities 4. Finance 5. Regions & Information Technology
ADMINISTRATION SUB-COMMITTEE Sandy Roy (Chair) - Aberdeen Bill Macray – North of Scotland / Moray & Banff Mark Doyle - Edinburgh Donnie McKinnon - Lanarkshire Brian Connelly – Angus & Perthshire
CONSTITUTION SUB-COMMITTEE Ray Morrison (Chair) - Lanarkshire Kevin Clancy - Glasgow Doug Ross – Moray & Banff Neil Palmer - Aberdeen
FACILITIES SUB-COMMITTEE Bryan Robertson (Chair) - Glasgow Ricky Mooney - Stirlingshire Rod Williamson - South of Scotland Derek Lowe - Fife
FINANCE SUB-COMMITTEE Martin Clark (Chair) - Edinburgh Joe McDowall - Renfrewshire Jim Horne - Stirlingshire Morag Pirie - Aberdeen
REGIONS & IT SUB-COMMITTEE Ian Fyfe (Chair) – Edinburgh / Fife Alan Cunningham - Glasgow Kevin Toner - Renfrewshire John McKendrick - Ayrshire Louise McWhinnie – Renfrewshire
ADMINISTRATION / SCOTTISH FA Drew Herbertson – Scottish FA
CO-ORDINATOR FOR ALL SUB-COMMITTEES Craig Thomson – Scottish FA / Renfrewshire Steven McLean – Scottish FA / Glasgow
NEXT STAGES: 1.Guidelines for each Sub-Committee established 2.Initial meetings of each Sub-Committee held 3.Timetable on reporting back to Chairman established
NEXT STAGES (Contd): 4.Date of Final reports from each Sub-Committee agreed 5.Dates agreed for Chairman to visit Associations 6.Final report of Working Party issued to Ref. Com. 7.Decision on whether to proceed with proposal or retain status quo.