Briefing to EOH3202 Occupational Health Guide for Week 1-7 PJJ Bacelor Sains Sumber Manusia (Pembangunan) 16 February 2014 Dr. Emilia Zainal Abidin Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences UPM
I am here to assist you Dr. Emilia Zainal Abidin BSc. Biochem (UKM), MSc. Occupational Health (UKM), PhD Environ Med (Aberdeen) Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia Phone No.:
Course Synopsis This course include Discussion about the health, safety and welfare of employees and the organization and functions. Health problems caused by disease agents associated with the various types of work. Exposure to workers' compensation issues as well as stress at work. Occupational health principles, principles of prevention and control measures are also discussed.
Why is this course important? OPERATOR KILLED WHEN HEAVY VEHICLE PLUNGES DOWN SLOPE Borneo Post Online, 20 September 2013 FATAL PLUNGE: The wheel loader at the base of the hill following the incident. BAU: A heavy machinery operator was killed while another man was seriously injured in a freak accident at a quarry at Paku yesterday after the vehicle they were in fell off a slope and landed on its roof. Thomas and two mechanics were negotiating a hill at the site using a wheel loader after earlier inspecting a broken-down excavator. The wheel loader was said to have suddenly experienced mechanical problems of its own, resulting in Thomas bringing it to a halt before putting it into reverse. At that moment, however, the vehicle slipped and plunged about 20 metres down the hill slope and landed on its roof. Thomas died on the spot from serious head and body injuries, while one of the mechanics, a 24-year-old man, was seriously wounded.
Trend in Malaysia
ent&view=article&id=953:osh-accident-cost-calculator- oshacc&catid=474:e-aplikasi&Itemid=1224&lang=en OSH Calculator
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Course Objectives To correlate occupational health services and the role played by the government and other institutions in the field of occupational health in Malaysia (C5, TS) To identify the source of exposure to biological, chemicals and physical agents and its hazardous effects to workers health and to control and manage the hazards (A4, LL) To understand the details of the diseases that can be found in the workplace (P4, CS)
Never mind the course objectives, but the most important point, how will I be assessed?
Course Assessment Assessment for this course is divided into: (i)Overall Continuous Assessment 30 % Assignment 1 (group work) 10 % Assignment 2 (individual) 20 % (ii)Mid-term Examination 30 % (i) + (ii)60% (ii)Final Examination 40% Overall Total 100%
So far any questions?
Assignments Topics for Group Assignment [10%] Divide yourselves into a group of 10. Select any ONE [1] of the following topic for research and write-up of report. Students are requested to search for information from reference books and from other sources available on relevant websites. 1. Identify all relevant hazards in a semi-conductor manufacturing sector/industry and methods (suggestions) to manage and control only THREE [3] major hazards which have been identified. Tip: The management and control of hazards should be described in terms of hierarchy of control (Unit 4 page 36 in module)
Explain hazards in terms of these: Physical: elevated objects, noise, high voltage, mechanical injury Chemical: hydrocarbon under pressure, toxic materials, solvents Biological: virus, needle stick injury Ergonomic: poor body posture, carry heavy weights, repetitive work Psychosocial: stress or violence at the workplace
Physical hazard
Chemical hazard
Biological hazard
Ergonomic hazard
Psychological hazard
Use the hierarchy of hazard control for your report
Individual assignments Topics for Individual Assignment 1 [4%] Please answer the given quiz and submit by the 4 th week of this semester Topics for Individual Assignment 2 [8%] (SCL) Submit your answers by the end of week 7 Topics for Individual Assignment 3 [8%] (SCL) Submit your answers by the end of week 13
Individual Assignment [4%] Write a short note to explain the function of each organization in the field of Occupational Health 1. Ministry of Health 2. Niosh 3. MIHA 4. DOSH 5. SOCSO 6. CIDB
Main References Module EOH3202 Aw, T.C., Gardiner, K. & Harrington, J.M. (2007). Pocket Consultant: Occupational Health. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. La Dou, J. (2007). Current Occupational and Environmental Medicine. New York: McGraw-Hill. Sadhra, S.S. & Rampal, K.G. (1999). Occupational Health: Risk Assessment and Management. Blackwell Science. Buku Akta Keselamatan dan Kesihatan Pekerjaan Buku Akta Kilang dan Jentera1967. Noor Hassim Ismail dan Emilia Zainal Abidin (2014) Kesihatan di Tempat Kerja. Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka
Other References National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. (2004). Overtime and Extended Work Shifts: Recent Findings on Illness, Injuries and Health Behaviours. Washington: DHHS (NIOSH). Lingard, H & Rowlinson, S. (2005). Occupational Health and Safety in Construction Project Management. Oxon: Spon Press.
What will happen without good occupational health governance? Bhopal tragedy, India December 1984, a highly toxic gas was leaked from a pesticide plant in city Winds spread the poison through a densely populated area Many died instantly, others as they tried to flee, more than 20,000 people died in total in the aftermath of the leak
Bhopal and Union Carbide
Recent tragedies Chernobyl nuclear disaster, Kiev, Ukraine April 26, 1986, a reactor at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant experienced a catastrophic failure Resulted in the worst nuclear power disaster in history due to a flawed reactor design and poorly trained plant personnel Amount of radiation released was at least 100 X that of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs combined
Bright Sparklers fireworks explosion at Sungai Buloh Tragedy happened in 7 th May, 1991 Fireworks factory and fire killed 22 people and injured 103 others Bright Sparklers Sdn. Bhd violated many laws to carry out dangerous operation Commission found that legislations pertaining to siting, construction, maintenance and operations of the factory were not adhered to
What is Occupational Health? Definition 1: Occupational Health is the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations by preventing departures from health, controlling risks and the adaptation of work to people, and people to their jobs (ILO-WHO 1950) Definition 2 - Occupational Health is the maintenance and promotion of workers’ health and working capacity, improvement of working environment and work to become conducive to safety and health and the Development of work organisation and working culture – safe, healthy and enhance productivity (ILO-WHO Committee on Occupational Health 1955)
Buried by mill scale at pier What would you suggest as an Occupational Health professional ( Figure 1 ). What improvements would you suggest as an Occupational Health professional? ( Figure 1 ) ( Figure 2 )
OH accidents: Example Buried by Mill Scale At Pier Around 8.45 am on February 24, 2012 a fatal accident occurred at Port Klang, Selangor involving a Bangladeshi employee who worked with the cleaning contractor During the accident, the victim was collecting mill scale that has spilled on the pier floor under the path of the wharf crane (capacity 20 tons), which, at the time was unloading the mill scale from vessels into the hopper on the pier ( Figure 1 ). While the grab bucket used to transport the mill scale passing through the area where the victim was working, grab bucket had opened suddenly and cause the load carried to fall and buried the victim below ( Figure 2 ). Victim died on the way to the hospital.
OH accidents: Example pier Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk Control [HIRARC] should be done more thoroughly Cleaning work should not be performed while the grab bucket was operating Safe work procedures Supervision over a work Investigation should be carried out on every near missed incident and dangerous occurrences The causes of these incidents, particularly those involving mechanical failure of a machine must be identified Activities such as scheduled maintenance and inspection of machineries should be performed
Self-learning Mid semester’s test Based on Unit 1-11 Self-learning according to the given module
Mid semester’s test Chapter 1 to 11 from module What would you prefer? Any requests? 2 hours examination? 50 objectives? 5 out of 8 short answer questions?
What to focus on? Chapter 1: Introduction to Occupational Health Historical perspective of occupational health Chapter 2: Roles of occupational health professionals What are the competencies in occupational health
What to focus on? Chapter 3: History of Occupational Health Services SOCSO DOSH NIOSH KKM
What to focus on? Chapter 4: Introduction to Hazard What are the hazards in occupational health? How to identify risks? What are the steps? Chapter 5: Legal requirements of OSH How law in Malaysia evolved? OSH Act 1994 FMA Act 1967
What to focus on? Chapter 6: Noise How to control noise exposure? What are the laws regarding noise? Chapter 7: Physical hazard – suspended particulates Fractions of dusts What are Aerosols?
What to focus on? Chapter 8: Physical hazard – radiation and heat Ionizing and non-ionizing radiations Examples of each Chapter 9: Ergonomic hazard Definition Examples of ergonomic health problems
What to focus on? Chapter 10: Chemical Hazard: Organic solvent poisoning The health effects The methods to control What tests are used in the workplace Why solvents are hazardous Chapter 11: Chemical Hazard: Heavy metal What tasks will expose workers How to measure metals in worker’s biological samples?
Examples of Neurotoxic Solvents trichloroethylene styrene tetrachloroethane xylene white spirit methylene chloride
Q16 questionnaire for CNS symptoms for chronic exposure to organic solvent Questions – Yes or No answer Do you have a short memory? Have your relatives told you that you have a short memory? Do you often make notes about what you must remember? Do you often have to go back and check things you have done such as turned off the stove, locked the door, etc? Do you generally find it hard to get the meaning from reading newspapers and books? Do you often have problems with concentrating?
Do you often feel irritated without any particular reason? Do you often feel depressed without any particular reason? Are you abnormally tired? Are you less interested in sex that what you think is normal? Do you have palpitations of the heart even when you don’t exert yourself? Do you sometimes feel oppression in your chest? Do you perspire without any particular reason? Do you have a headache at least once a week? Do you often have painful tingling in some parts of your body? Do you have any problems with buttoning and unbuttoning?
ANSWERS A total of more than 4 positive answers in a worker younger than 28 years of age, or A total of more than 6 positive answers in a worker aged 28 years or older.
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