The Baltimore District USACE MATOC Industry Day Conference Center at the Maritime Institute 692 Maritime Boulevard November 18, 2013 Linthicum Heights, MD 21090 Right to Left, Clockwise by program area: Civil, Civil, RSFO, Environmental
Corps of Engineers Mission Areas Flood Wall in Wyoming Valley Levee System Defense Logistics Agency Solar Wall U.S. Central Command, Afghanistan Fort Detrick Navy Bio-Lab OVERARCHING MESSSAGE: We construct, maintain and operate key infrastructure projects that contribute to the Nation’s economy, environment, safety and quality of life, now and in the future. Civil Works (TOP LEFT, FLOOD WALL AT WYOMING VALLEY, PA): Our projects and the water resources we manage—with a plant replacement value of more than $251 billion—generate jobs, facilitate imports and exports, and contribute to a stronger economy, environment and quality of life for all Americans. KEY POINT: Civil Works Transformation: we are enhancing the budget process; modernizing the planning process; improving methods of delivery; and smart infrastructure asset management. Gee Wiz Fact: USACE operates and/or maintains about 2,000 miles of levees of an estimated 14,501 miles nationwide in the USACE Levee Safety Program. Sustainability (TOP RIGHT, DLA SOLAR WALL): The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers sustainability strategies relate to energy, water, climate change and the environment. KEY POINT: USACE’s Sustainability Program focuses on two lines of operation: 1) Meeting our enterprise energy, water and waste reduction targets on USACE owned and operated facilities; and (2) assisting our customers in meeting their Executive Order 13514 targets, which includes providing assistance to the Army’s Net Zero policy, providing assistance in advanced metering, innovative financing methods, identifying methods to reduce potable water consumption, recycling grey water and retrofitting sites for low-impact development. We also deliver sustainable solutions for contingency bases and operations. Gee Wiz Fact: ASA (CW has committed to achieve $2.5 million in performance-based alternative financing contracts for energy and water efficiency in USACE facilities before the end of December 2013. Environmental (BOTTOM LEFT, TECHNICIAN USES AN AIR SPADE TO DETECT A MUNTION): The Corps of Engineers is the nation’s environmental engineer, creating engineering solutions for the nation’s environmental challenges. It has one of the largest environment restoration and environmental sustainability roles in the federal government. KEY POINT: With its more than 6,000 multi-disciplined environmental professionals, the Corps strengthens the Army’s ability to respond to existing and new environmental challenges worldwide due to its capability to successfully manage unforeseen rapid environmental workload increases without increasing personnel or overhead costs. Gee Wiz Fact: The Corps provided more than $1.58 billion worth of environmental program/project management and technical and contract support in FY12 to DoD, executing two-thirds of the Army's environmental program, and non-DoD agencies in addition to its civil works environmental work such as wetlands and ecosystem restoration. Military Mission Support (Fort Detrick Nay Bio-Lab): Military Missions provides vital and unique support to the Army’s three major roles as a central component to our nation’s defense – Prevent, Shape and Win. We “Prevent” by delivering facilities and infrastructure worldwide to help Soldiers maintain readiness and the Army achieve its modernization goals. We “Shape” through our support of Combatant Commanders, providing military-to-military assistance and humanitarian response for partner nations, as well as global interagency development assistance. Finally, we provide support to the Army’s enduring expeditionary mission with cutting-edge research and development providing Soldiers the tools they need to “Win.” KEY POINT: We are the Nation's most effective and dynamic public engineering and technical services organization, and a values-based organization and force multiplier with domestic and global capabilities. Gee Wiz Fact: On average, our districts, labs and centers provide about $3.7 billion worth of reimbursable facilities and public works support to IMCOM, Air Force and DOD installations annually. STEM/HR Key Message: USACE and DoDEA have completed development of the STEM program resulting from the partnership agreement that we signed in May 2012. The program is called “STEM ED” where USACE and DoDEA are working together to “Build Strong STEM Students”. The program will leverage Corps STEM talent to benefit military families by placing our volunteer engineers and scientists into middle school classrooms. We will utilize our best and brightest volunteers - those who have a passion for furthering STEM education. Key Point: It is critical that USACE continues to foster an environment of continuous learning by providing appropriate incentives to encourage our workforce to seek and maintain professional licenses and certification whenever possible within law and regulation. Gee Wiz Fact: To date, 39 USACE employees have been approved by USACE and ASA (M&RA) to pursue academic degree programs in areas such as Business Administration (BS and MS), Emergency and Disaster Management (BS and MS), Engineering (MS), and Construction Management (MS). All Hazards Response Key Message: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is prepared and ready to respond to natural and man-made disasters and overseas contingencies. USACE serves as the lead agency to respond with public works and engineering support and to coordinate long-term infrastructure recovery. Key Point: In any disaster, USACE’s three top priorities are: 1. Support immediate emergency response priorities; 2. Sustain lives with critical commodities, temporary emergency power and other needs; 3. Initiate recovery efforts by assessing and restoring critical infrastructure. Gee Wiz Fact: More than 40 specially trained response teams ready to perform a wide range of public works and engineering-related missions. Support To CENTCOM (Center, Flags at GRD) Key Message: USACE Transatlantic Division (TAD) provides engineering services to the Nation in support of U.S. Central Command’s area of operations, which spans across 20 countries in the Middle East, North Africa, Central Asia, and includes the military operations in Afghanistan. Key Point: USACE’s overseas mission is massive. The Corps is now managing the execution of a $10.6 billion construction program in support of the government of Afghanistan – a feat that is unprecedented in USACE’s history. Gee Wiz Fact: Since 2002, USACE has managed a $10.6 billion construction program and, to date, has completed more than $8.45 billion in construction.
Department of Defense Mission Support Defense Distribution Susquehanna Ft. Belvoir Northern Regional Medical Command Walter Reed Military Advance Training Center Utah Data Center DoD Top Issues: Afghanistan – Defense Distribution Susquehanna (aerial photo) Warrior Care – Ft. Belvoir Northern Regional Medical Command HQ Building (photo) & Amputees learn to climb at the Walter Reed Military Advance Training Center, built by NAB. (Amputee Facility) Cyber Security – UDC (rendering) **More than 100 NAB employees have deployed in support of OCO. Sexual Assault Prevention (did not include) Defense Strategic Guidance (did not include) National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
U.S. Army Mission Support Fort Detrick Emergency Services Center U.S. Army Automotive Technology Evaluation Facility U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases LEFT: Ft. Detrick Emergency Services Center Fire Department RIGHT: Army Automotive Technology Evaluation Facility (aerial photo) BOTTOM: US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases People are Our Army The Army is the strength of the Nation. Soldiers are the strength of our Army. Our families are the strength of our Soldiers. We must sustain these bonds of trust. Our enduring priority is to preserve our high-quality All Volunteer Force – Active, Guard and Reserve. America’s greatest generations are built on the strength of America’s strongest citizens – U.S. Soldiers. Meeting the Needs of the Nation As an Army, we share in the sacrifice of all Americans during this period of fiscal uncertainty and must shape the Army of 2020 with an understanding of both our national security obligations and the fiscal constraints we all share. We will continue to be good stewards of the resources we’re provided by developing the capabilities the Nation needs through prudent investment, modernization and transformation of the institutional Army. The Army profession is the Nation’s preeminent leadership experience, developing the Nation’s future leaders. America’s Force of Decisive Action The U.S. Army is the most decisive land force in the world. No matter the task, no matter the environment, no matter the difficulty– America’s Army will always accomplish the mission. As America’s decisive force, the Army provides our national security decision makers with greater flexibility in responding to national security challenges at home and abroad against both conventional and hybrid threats. Our Army is responsive, innovative, flexible, agile and lethal, providing versatility and depth to the Joint Force. As a member of the Joint Force and interagency team, the Army is responsive and effective for Combatant Commanders; provides training, equipment and logistical support to our sister services; and quickly integrates and synchronizes Army operations within larger joint, interagency and multinational efforts. To meet today’s challenges and tomorrow’s uncertain conflicts, we must field an Army that can rapidly dominate any operational environment and provide decisive results across a full range of missions to include: deterring and defeating aggression; providing humanitarian assistance; engaging with our allies while building partner capacity; facilitating strategic access to other armies; and supporting civil authorities at home and abroad. As we transition to a leaner, more agile Army we will shape a future force that has the capability and versatility to Prevent conflict; Shape the environment; and decisively Win our Nation’s wars. America’s Army is a globally recognized symbol of our national resolve and commitment. We are and will remain the best manned, best equipped, best trained, best led and most decisive land force in the world. Army Drawdown By the end of fiscal year '17, we will decrease our end-strength in the active component from 570,000 to 490,000; from 358,000 to 353,500 in the National Guard; and from 206,000 to 205,000 in the Army Reserves.
USACE Workforce Projection Leverage Personnel Resources through partnering/contracting with Private Sector ~300,000 Construction Contractors on any given day Essentially Unlimited Capability Perform 100% of Civil Works & Military Construction ~37,000 Government Employees ~600 Uniformed Military THEME: USACE recognized long ago the criticality of reinvention, innovation, transformation, and we are constantly striving to be the most cost effective organization possible, adapting to customer needs within the authorities and funds we are provided. We have been successful over the long term in organizing and positioning ourselves to accomplish more work with less people. This slide shows trends in our workload and how we leverage our resources to deliver to the Army and the Nation when the product is needed. The graph at the top left shows USACE is doing significantly more work with less full time employees. In order to meet our missions, we leverage our human resources through the use of private sector contractors. The lower right graph shows that nearly 100% of our construction work and over 65% of our planning and design work is performed by contractors. We view contractors as an integral part of our team. It is important to note that as our mission changes, so does our FTE needs. An example of this is the MILCON transformation and the extraordinary FY05-10 spike in our Military Program, and the continued execution of this program in FY11-13. In order to meet the Army’s need for critical cost and schedule targets in the MILCON program, additional resources are required at the USACE HQ and division offices. (The projected time and cost savings have already been integrated into projected facilities costs in the 08-13 POM). Have asked for 33 additional FTE to perform programmatic oversight at cost of $7M/year. This is expected to reap a benefit of more than $5B over the program years. Coordinated through VCSA and have it programmed into FY09 and beyond. NEXT SLIDE: USACE ORGANIZATION Transition: Next a brief look at how we are Mission/Task organized nationally and internationally. A-E Firms (5,000 employees) Perform over 65% of Planning & Design
USACE Command Boundaries North Atlantic Division Great Lakes & Ohio River Division Seattle Walla New England Portland Northwestern Division St. Paul Buffalo Detroit New York Rock Island Chicago Pittsburgh Philadelphia Omaha Cincinnati Baltimore Sacramento Hunting- ton San Francisco Kansas City St. Louis Norfolk South Pacific Division Louisville Little Rock Nashville Wilmington Los Angeles Tulsa Southwestern Division Memphis Albuquerque Atlanta Charleston Vicks- burg Savannah THEME: SLIDE SHOWS CONUS AND OCONUS LOCATIONS OF MSCs AND THEIR MILITARY DISTRICTS. MSC (Division) Boundaries are highlighted with subordinate Military Districts shown for each. Military boundaries follow state boundaries. While we have 9 Divisions, 8 - including the Transatlantic Division have a Military mission. USACE has Military Districts in both CONUS and OCONUS. CONUS Districts are in metropolitan areas, many along the coasts and in/around the nation’s major waterways to facilitate accomplishment of their Civil Works Missions. OCONUS Districts: Europe District (Germany) Far East District (Korea) Japan District And 4 Provisional Districts (3 in IRAQ under GRD), and Afghanistan Engineer District. MSC alignment with Army Combatant Commands: Pacific Ocean Division (POD) > Alaska, Honolulu, Far East (ROK) and Japan Districts = PACCOM (Pacific Command) Southwestern (SWD) and Gulf Region (GRD) > CENTCOM (Central Command) North Atlantic (NAD) > Europe District = EUCOM (European Command) South Atlantic (SAD) > Mobile and Savannah Districts = SOUTHCOM (Southern Command) TRANSITION: We are a learning organization and have been focusing on transforming our Military Construction program. (SLIDE INPUT: MP, JUN-10) Mobile Jacksonville Honolulu Dallas Alaska Ft. Worth New Orleans South Atlantic Division Pacific Ocean Division Mississippi Valley Division Related Centers and Other Special Missions: Huntsville Engr & Support Center (Chemdemil) MED-Winchester - Africa, Bosnia, Mid-East St. Louis District - Archaeology Philadelphia District - Brokered MILCON Mobile District - Panama, Puerto Rico, etc Transatlantic Division – USACE Deployment Center Galveston LEGEND: Engineer Commands Divisions District HQ location Division boundary Districts Outside the US: Europe (Germany) Far East (Korea) Japan 4 Districts in TAD
Baltimore District Missions Military Support Emergency Management Real Estate Environmental Services Interagency Services Regulatory Civil Works: Dredging of the harbor approach channels. Military Support: NGA Environmental Services: Munitions removal (Tobyhanna FUDS) Emergency Management: DEBRIS TEAM Interagency Services: Architect of the Capital Regulatory: Cattails seen as permitted site undergoing a compliance check in PA Our Mission: The Baltimore District operates corporately to deliver innovative and effective solutions to our customers' engineering challenges in a manner consistent with our values and our principles of environmental stewardship. Civil Works
Baltimore District Annual Expenditures Millions ($)
FY14 Projected Obligations Total: $1.175B MIL: $447M SECURE: $505M IIS: $69M ENV: $99M CW: $37.5M WA: $17.5M
Military Construction Replace Defense Distribution Center Headquarters Ft. Detrick Hazardous Material Storage Building Ft. Belvoir Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility Replace U.S. Army Public Health Command Laboratory at Aberdeen Proving Ground Nature of work Defense Distribution Center, Susquehanna, PA construction and replacement of HQ building totaling 265KGSF to accommodate 965 employees Hazardous Material Storage Building, Fort Detrick, MD Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM), Ft Belvoir, VA Phase 3 of 4 that will construct an addition to include multi-story admin facilities and later renovation of the existing Nolan Building US Army Public Health Command, Laboratory Replacement in Edgewood, MD Types of work: Non complex, general administrative use and maintenance type facilities Trends: Scale of projects ie $ range < $50M; Preponderance of project delivery method remains Design Bid build; Workload Centers based on planned MILCON in the out years 16 - 19 are shifting towards Carlisle, PA; Letterkenny Army Depot, PA, Defense Distribution Center, (aka New Cumberland Army Depot), PA. Percent of work for small businesses: Project work for small business ie projects w/ estimated values $50M to increase Major contracting mechanisms and/or changes in contracting mechanism use: DBB remains the predominant project delivery method MD-specific information: Nominal number of MILCON Funded projects in FY14 at MD Military Installations (Ft Detrick; Ft Meade; Joint Base Andrews- Naval Air Facilities; Adelphi Laboratory Center) Long term horizon and fiscal climate impacts: Construction Program ie MILCON, SRM, IIS could be impacted pending congressional actions on appropriations and authorizations
FY14 Regional Support Contracts North Atlantic Division A-E Master Planning Services Project Magnitude: Two (2) $10M Contracts Procurement: Brooks Act Advertisement: 2nd Quarter Proposed Acquisition Strategy: Small Business Set Aside Construction MATOC (Baltimore District ) Project Magnitude: $49M Procurement Type: Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) Advertisement: 3rd or 4th Quarter FY14 Proposed Acquisition Strategy: Set Aside for Small Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business, 8(a) & HUBZone North Atlantic Division Military Boundaries
FY14 Nationwide Contracts Architecture-Engineering (A-E) Contracts Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contracts Magnitude: Two (2) Contracts, $49M each Advertisement: 2nd Quarter and 3rd Quarter of FY 14 Proposed Acquisition Strategy: Unrestricted South Campus Electrical Utilities Plant Generator Building Requires TSFSC
FY14 Nationwide Contracts Construction Phase Support Services Magnitude: ~$25M Procurement Type: IDIQ Advertisement: 2nd Quarter Proposed Acquisition Strategy: TBD Commissioning Support A-E Project Magnitude: $25M Advertisement: 1st Quarter Proposed Acquisition Strategy: Unrestricted South Campus Electrical Utilities Plant
FY14 Nationwide Contracts Single Award Task Order Contract (SATOC) Project Magnitude : $103M Advertisement: 2nd Quarter Proposed Acquisition Strategy: Unrestricted Typical Task Order Values: $0-$10M Utah Data Center Earth Work SATOC Requires TSFSC Single Award Task Order Contract Single Award Task Order Contract (SATOC) (2 Awards) Project Magnitude : 2 Contracts - $49M Each Advertisement: 2nd Quarter Proposed Acquisition Strategy: Small Business Typical Task Order Values: $0-$5M
FY14 Nationwide Contracts Design-Build Construction (MATOC) Project Magnitude: $950M Procurement: Multiple Award Task Order Contract Advertisement: 3rd - 4th Quarter FY14 Proposed Acquisition Strategy: Two-Tiered (Unrestricted & Small Business) Task Order Values: $10M (Typical Value) Intelligence Community Campus - Bethesda MATOC
Civil Works Trend: Stable Program, Emergency Funding Spikes Trends: relatively stable workload, there is a spike as a result of emergency supplemental work from SANDY but that spike mainly impacts the other NAD districts. Continuation in delayed receipt of FY project funding that push out projected contract action solicitations Hurricane Sandy Debris Removal Process
FY14 Operations/Civil Works Construction Multiple Award Task Order Contract (MATOC) Project Magnitude: $20M Advertisement: 3rd Quarter FY14 Proposed Acquisition Strategy: Small Business Set Aside Bainbridge, N.Y. PL84-99 Repairs Public Law 84-99 Emergency Response Actions
Environmental Services Former Frankford Arsenal Remediation W.R. Grace Building 23 Remediation Spring Valley Formerly Used Defense Site Sturgis Decommissioning Former Frankford Arsenal on-going environmental remediation in Area I, which is under development by the current property owner for use as a shopping center WR Grace, Curtis Bay, Building 23 (in Baltimore); upcoming FY15 work involves implementing the selected remedy for the Radioactive Waste Disposal Area Spring Valley/4825 Glenbrook Road excavation inside the Engineering Control Structure in preparation for high probability excavation The Sturgis is a floating nuclear barge that USACE is in the process of decommissioning; work is in the final phase Types of work: Full range of environmental cleanup work, with a focus on reducing risk and protecting human health and the environment Hazardous, Toxic, & Radiological Waste, Military Munitions, Environmental Quality Investigations, Studies, Remedial & Removal Actions, Long Term Monitoring As a design center for HTRW and Military Munitions, we work throughout the Northeast and across the country FY13 accomplishments: Baltimore managed approximately $92 M in obligations in FY13 Highlights include: Spring Valley, Frankford Arsenal, Air National Guard, NDNODS, Tobyhanna, Fort Indiantown Gap, West Point, Fort Drum, tech support to Philadelphia District on DuPont FUSRAP Trends in FY14: Significant uptick in Defense Nuclear Power Plant Program (Sturgis) Fewer new starts in Military Munitions work in favor of emphasis on HTRW closeouts (until ~2021 or so) FUDS program down slightly from FY13 Support to installations strong and stable Percent of work for small businesses: ~35% Major contracting mechanisms and/or changes in contracting mechanism use: Almost 100% of work is executed through task order awards on MATOCs (AE contracts and Environmental Service contract) MAMMS contract expiring Dec 2013, Huntsville WERS contract will serve as bridge until a new MAMMS is in place in FY15. Two new MATOCs currently in acquisition planning: MAMMS replacement, and a Multiple Award Radiological Transport and Disposal Contract MD-specific information: Ongoing work planned in Maryland in FY14 at Fort Meade, Fort Detrick, Aberdeen Proving Ground, W.R. Grace Long term horizon and fiscal climate impacts: Environmental Programs are relatively stable to declining slightly
FY14 Radiological Transport & Disposal Continental U.S. Multiple Award Radiological Transport & Disposal (MARTADS) Project Magnitude: $100M-$250M Advertisement: 2nd Quarter FY14 Proposed Acquisition Strategy: TBD Task Order Values: ~$2M-$10M Colonie FUSRAP Site, New York
Multiple Award Military Munitions Services Continental U.S. Multiple Award Military Munitions Services, II (MAMMS, II) Project Magnitude: $100M-$250M Advertise: 3rd Quarter (FY14) Proposed Acquisition Strategy: Unrestricted & Small Business Task Order Values: $2M-$3M Tobyhanna, P.A. Field Investigation
We Support Small Business Small Businesses play key roles in Baltimore District Planting Oyster Bars Flood Risk Reduction Projects Environmental Restoration Projects The Office of Small Business Mission is to offer a level playing field and help further support the local economy. Baltimore District looks to benefit from expertise and talents from all businesses. USACE embraces aggressive Small Business (SB) goals. In FY 2013, our goal was 41.5% and we achieved 42.7%. No matter the project, small businesses are a key ingredient in our ability to accomplish the important civil and military constructions missions. We’re about offering a level playing field so that all business can offer their expertise and talent towards delivering important projects to our Nation that will have enormous impacts. Here in Baltimore, the District has set aside more than DC Local Flood Protection Project
Small Business Accomplishments FY 13 (As of 7 October 2013 ) Category Dollars Actual % / Statutory Goal / NAB Goal USACE NAD Goal Small Business $183,568,414 29.21%% / 23% / 23% 43.3% Small Disadvantaged $126,328,263 20.10% / 5% / 10% 18% 8(a) $42,056,552 No specific goal for 8(a) - 8(a) included in SDB accomplishments Women-Owned $76,322,865 12.14% / 5% / 6% 7% Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned $15,256,108 2.43% / 3% / 3% 4% HUBZone $4,269,480 .68% / 3% / 3% 11% Total Dollars Obligated: $628,504,587 *Current ( as of 7 Oct 2013 ) Key: Green- Met both the statutory and USACE NAB SB goal Red- Didn’t meet the statutory or USACE NAB SB goal Need to update if possible Green - Met both the statutory and USACE NAB SB goal Amber - Met the statutory goal, but didn’t meet the USACE NAB SB goal Red - Didn’t meet the statutory or USACE NAB SB goal
How to do business with us Register in the ‘System for Award Management’ database at Find our projects on FedBizOpps at Respond to the solicitation Read, understand and comply with all requirements Write a strong proposal Grow your capabilities Team with experienced firms to share knowledge Create effective Prime/Sub and Joint Venture Teams Request a debriefing at the end of the acquisition Understand and comply with bonding requirements for construction contracts How small/new businesses can follow the green line to successfully doing business -Register in the System for Award Management database – its mandatory for all contractors doing business with the Federal Government All projects are advertised on the Fed Biz Opps website (FBO). The site allows for searches by agency, type of work, and other criteria. Firms can register as interested parties for each solicitation to receive notices of any changes in the announcement, issuance of solicitation and amendments, and to increase teaming and subcontracting opportunities. Filter our DoDAAC W912DR to easily locate Baltimore District work. Solicitations are issued electronically through FBO. Carefully read the solicitation requirements and respond appropriately. Ask questions if the requirements are unclear. We use both Sealed Bidding and Request for Proposals, understand the differences and how they work. -teaming, joint-ventures -bonding -building capabilities: start small and work your way up. -writing strong proposals: Work with an experienced firm to gain knowledge. Begin as a subcontractor or work with a large business in a mentor/protégé arrangement. Follow directions and provide the information requested in the format requested. Answer the mail on evaluation factors. Be honest with yourselves, do you really have what we are asking for? How can you demonstrate it? Be patient, this process is not easy or fast for us or for you. - Learn from your experience. Ask for a debriefing and come prepared to accept our feedback in the interest of improving your next submission.
Stay in Touch Col. Trey Jordan Baltimore District Commander Tamika Gray Deputy for Small Business Mike Rogers Environmental & Munitions Design Center Frank Benvenga Military Programs Chris Nolta Civil Programs Randy Winemiller Real Property Services Field Office How small/new businesses can follow the green line to successfully doing business -Register in the System for Award Management database – its mandatory for all contractors doing business with the Federal Government All projects are advertised on the Fed Biz Opps website (FBO). The site allows for searches by agency, type of work, and other criteria. Firms can register as interested parties for each solicitation to receive notices of any changes in the announcement, issuance of solicitation and amendments, and to increase teaming and subcontracting opportunities. Fiter our DoDAAC W912DR to easily locate Baltimore District work. Solicitations are issued electronically through FBO. Carefully read the solicitation requirements and respond appropriately. Ask questions if the requirements are unclear. We use both Sealed Bidding and Request for Proposals, understand the differences and how they work. -teaming, joint-ventures -bonding -building capabilities: start small and work your way up. -writing strong proposals: Work with an experienced firm to gain knowledge. Begin as a subcontractor or work with a large business in a mentor/protégé arrangement. Follow directions and provide the information requested in the format requested. Answer the mail on evaluation factors. Be honest with yourselves, do you really have what we are asking for? How can you demonstrate it? Be patient, this process is not easy or fast for us or for you. - Learn from your experience. Ask for a debriefing and come prepared to accept our feedback in the interest of improving your next submission.
Planned Indefinite Delivery Order Contracts
Indefinite Delivery Order Contracts Architect / Engineer Planned # of Awards Acquisition Capacity ($000’s) Award Military Multidisciplinary 2 Unrestricted 100,000 FY15/2 Military Master Planning Small Business 20,000 FY14/2 WA Multidisciplinary 4 10,000 FY14/1 RSFO Multidisciplinary FY13/4 RSFO Commissioning 1 25,000 Value Engineering 9,000 Total 13 234,000 Environmental Service Planned # of Awards Acquisition Capacity ($000’s) Award Military Munitions re-compete 5 Small Business 80,000 FY15/1 4 Unrestricted 160,000 MARTADS 3 TBD 225,000 FY14/3 Total 12 465,000 MARTADS - Multiple Award Radiological Transport & Disposal MAMMS -
Indefinite Delivery Order Contracts Construction Planned # of Awards Size Capacity ($000’s) Award DB Construction Civil Works 4 Small Business 20,000 FY14/3 DB Construction NAB-wide Up to 9 8(a)/HZ/SDVOB 49,000 DB Construction NAB/RSFO CONUS/OCONUS 5 ~5 Unrestricted ~5 Small Business 950,000 FY14/4 Sole Source SATOC 8(a) 16,000 FY14/2 Competitive SATOC RSFO 1 Unrestricted 103,000 HZ SDV Total 21 1,236,000 Services Planned # of Awards Size Capacity ($000’s) Award RSFO Construction Phase Support Services (CPSS) 1 TBD 25,000 FY14/3 WA Pumps Unrestricted 6,500 FY14/1 Total 2 31,500
Feedback & Questions Session
Discussion Topics Compare Single Phase/Step vs. Two Phase/Step Acquisitions What is the most effective Contractor Pool size for multiple award task order contracts? Does this number change for small and large business? Should design firms support more than one team in multiple award contracts? What selection criteria identify the best contractors? Which criteria are most important? Use of Sample Project vs. Actual Task Order How should price be evaluated in making awards? Best-value vs. LPTA (Omaha Contract) “…Intends to do…”