GUEST PRESENTER: Dr. Mike Metcalf MCS-Director of Planning, Accountability and Research When : Friday, November 7 th :45am Where: Room 3103 (T. Little’s classroom). Year 1 & 2 Mentee’s are required to attend. PHS Mentors are encouraged to attend.
Goals of Today’s Session Understand the difference between growth and proficiency. Access and identify the main components of the EVAAS system. Examine the various types of data reported through EVAAS. “I CAN”….
“Complicated Variables”?
Thursday- November 13 th : Thursday- November 13 th : MCS Beginning Teacher Academy- Year 2: Crain’s Creek (12:30pm-3:30pm). Tuesday- November 18th: MCS Beginning Teacher Academy- Year 1: Crain’s Creek (12:30pm-3:30pm) Thursday- November 20 th : MCS Beginning Teacher Academy- Year 3: Crain’s Creek (Location- TBA) Thursday- December 18 th Thursday- December 18 th : “Holiday Bowl” at Aberdeen Bowling 5:00pm
“…You can teach students a lesson for a day; but if you can teach them to learn by creating curiosity, they will continue the learning process as long as they live”. ~Clay P. Bedford Today’s P.A.T.S. Quote
Dr. Mike Metcalf MCS- Principal (SMS & CLC). MCS Director of Planning, Accountability, and Research. Let’s Welcome Dr. Metcalf with a great big P.A.T.S Introduction of Today’s Guest
Look for links on our Beginning Teacher Pinterest Board regarding today’s presentation and teaching concepts! Follow UP Resources. PHS P.A.T.S. BOARD !