San Diego HubSpot User Group Buyer Personas SMarketing Dan Tyre, HubSpot Hansen Hunt, UpWind Solutions Nicole Pereira, Business on Market St. WIFI: KarlsWorldGuest (no password)
SD HUG Agenda Networking: (3PM - 3:30PM) Pizza & Beer Housekeeping Items (10 minutes) Developing Buyer Personas (3:40-4:30) – What are buyer personas? – Researching your personas – Building your personas – Workshop SMarketing! (4:30-5:00) Networking + Beer
6 meetings per year All marketing professionals are welcome! Networking, learning, workshops, fun. Free swag! Join our LinkedIn Group - Visit What is SD HUG?
#inbound12 Hansen Hunt Native San Diegan Dick Nixon’s Alma Mater Craft beer geek Takes kickball @Unomos
#inbound12 Nicole Pereira Native San Diegan SDSU alumni Online gamer Mom, entrepreneur, @Nicca619
#inbound12 DAN TYRE Employee HubSpot Live in Scottsdale, AZ HubSpot is my fifth start up Coined “SMarketing”
Developing Personas.
Knowing your audience is crucial at every point in the sales and marketing process.
WORKSHOP – BUILD YOUR OWN HubSpot Users > Everyone Else >
What do you do next? Set up at least 3 buyer personas Meet with sales to align your personas Segment your personas into subscribers, MQL’s, and customers Brainstorm & implement campaigns for each of your personas
Company ABC Buyer Persona Overview Month, Year Insert your company name and paste a photo of your persona here.
Persona Name ROLES: What are some of the roles this person plays in their personal life? What are some of the roles this person plays in their professional life? GOALS: Persona’s primary goal Persona’s secondary goal CHALLENGES: Primary challenge to persona’s success Secondary challenge to persona’s success Conduct interviews with your target audience to learn about their goals and challenges in more detail.
Persona Name HOW WOULD THIS PERSON DESCRIBE HIS OR HER SELF? BACKGROUND: Basic details about persona’s role Key information about the persona’s company Relevant background info, like education or hobbies DEMOGRAPHICS: Gender Age Range HH Income (Consider a spouse’s income, if relevant) Urbanicity (Is your persona urban, suburban, or rural?) IDENTIFIERS: Buzz words Mannerisms You can find this information by administering online surveys of your target audience.
Persona Name WHAT’S THEIR STORY: Add details about Persona Polly. Where do they go for information? What do they do in her free time? COMMON OBJECTIONS: Identify the most common objections your persona will raise during the sales process. Identifying common objections will help your sales team be better prepared during their conversations.
AGENDA History Preparation Execution SMarketing Case Study Q&A
#inbound12 Sales + Marketing = SMARKETING
#inbound12 DEFINING SMARKETING TERMS Leads Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) Sales Qualified Lead (SQL) Opportunities Customers
#inbound12 DEFINING LEAD FLOW & GOALS Current Lead Volume & Velocity Current Sales Team Expectations for lead follow up Service Level Agreements
#inbound12 TECHNOLOGY IMPLEMENTATION Lead Scoring Integrate marketing software with CRM Lead Intelligence Closed Loop Marketing
#inbound12 $
Companies with strong sales & marketing alignment get 20% greater annual revenue growth study by the Aberdeen Group,
#inbound12 A Case Study in SMarketing
#inbound12 The “we need more leads mentality”! We had become spoiled by our “low-cost” lead generation Our marketing message and sales funnel were not aligned 3 Major Hurdles
#inbound12 Leads improved as our message improved Improved sales processes drastically increased our follow up with leads
#inbound12 Better sales process aligned with SQL’s increased sales results Marketing budget increased slightly Lead #’s are up, SQL’s up dramatically
Future San Diego HUG Dates June 5th: Marketing Automation August 7th: Topic TBD (Based on survey) October 2nd: Updates from INBOUND 2014 December 4th: Holiday Happy Hour Survey Contest First person to complete survey wins a HUG T-Shirt
Thank you! Dan Tyre, HubSpot Hansen Hunt, UpWind Solutions Nicole Pereira, Business on Market St.