CLIL Aberdeen Imma Fdez Puig Course 2010
Presentation My background Theoretical principles for effective CLIL Principles for the UNIT planning Practical examples of materials, scaffolding and assessment Summarising Final thoughts
The secondary school INS OLORDA Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona ESO year old No compulsory studies year old Vocational training
Multiculturalism and multilingualism ART CLASSROOM
CLIL 3 rd ESO ART & COLOUR Social and Art, spiral compulsory subjects The Social teacher and I, the Art teacher, decided to call the CLIL project “Art and Colour, year old students will be learning Art through English. During the first year of implementation, I attended the introduction course for CLIL in Catalunya, and now in the second year I have come to Aberdeen University to intake the main basis of CLIL and strengthen my knowledge.
Theoretical principles for effective CLIL Social Constructivism and Vygotsky: private speech, scaffolding and the ZPD Meaningful and challenging INPUT is a pillar of Foreign language acquisition Rich interaction, feedback promotes development connecting inputs and outputs in productive ways. Learners need to be pushed to reflect on their output and enrich comprehensibility. The 4 C’s Framework is the tool for planning CLIL Lessons Language and content balance for a sustainable learning, High levels of knowledge are achievable if there is a correct scaffolding Thinking Skills: Bloom’s Taxonomy
The Project Mind map Lesson plans Teaching notes PowerPoint Activities Scaffolding Assessment CREATIVE CULTURES IN COLOURS
CONTENT CULTURE CREATIVE CULTURES IN COLOURS COMMUNICATION COGNITION Creating Evaluating Analysing Applying Understanding Remembering saying what you know is the way you know what you know Multiculturalism within the colour’s meaning colour theories and colour’s nomenclature Contemporary Art
Using Cummin’s matrix for quality audit High cognitive 34 LowHighLinguistic 21 Low cognitive Teacher can distinguish between LOT and HOT
Practical examples Progression activities In Cummin’s matrix : Scaffolding Assessment CREATIVE CULTURES IN COLOURS
Cummin’s matrix : 2 Activity
Cummin’s matrix : 3 Activity
Cummin’s matrix : 4 Activity you
CLIL is a lifelong concept that requires time, effort and reflection from the teachers but it increases their motivation as increases learner expectations making the content more relevant for them, including making the learning stimulating and enjoyable by presenting tasks in a motivating way. Summarising
Final thoughts Inclusive and Cooperative learning Language rich enviroment Scaffold learning Extend students’ cultural base Collaboration between teachers Future of CLIL ???
CLIL Thank you !!!