S4 Examinations Mike Paul St Machar Academy
What examinations do S4 pupils sit? Standard Grades National Qualification Exams Intermediate 2 Intermediate 1 Access 2/3 Leadership Award at Level 5
SG and other courses
The Certificate
The Award Standard Grade Grade 1 or 2 = Credit Grade 3 or 4 = General Grade 5 or 6 = Foundation Grade 7 = Course completed Intermediate Grades A, B or C = Pass Grade D Access Pass or fail only (no external exam)
Level of Entry In Standard Grade candidates are entered at either: Foundation/General Level or General /Credit Level For National Qualifications candidates are entered at the appropriate level
Prelims (or Estimate) Exams Practice of the exam situation Help set level of presentation The Prelims this session are from Monday 26 th November to Wednesday 5 th December (Monday 26 th to Friday 30 th November - pupils will be on Study Leave)
Internal Assessment Most pupils do best on this element Must be completed on time May involve practical work Appears on certificate
Preparing for the exam Personal Timetables - Every pupil will receive a personal timetable in late March which will show all the exams which your son/daughter is sitting the room number/venue of each exam Working towards the exam - timetable/programme of revision/preparation. Start now.
Final Exam Be prepared - the difference between levels often is determined by the preparation done out with school Ask for help - if there is anything you do not understand, ask your teachers for help Friday 26 th April – Wednesday 5 th June 2013
On the day of the exam All pupils are expected to sit both papers i.e. General and Credit or Foundation and General Arrive early - late candidates may not be allowed into the exam
In the exam Be organised - have all pencils, pens ruler, calculator and dictionary, if permitted Behave properly - bad behaviour cannot be allowed to affect other candidates opportunities. Suspected malpractice - a candidate suspected of cheating in an exam may lose awards in all subjects Answer all questions - you cannot be correct if you don’t answer the question
Absence Illness - telephone the school as soon as possible - a medical certificate must be supplied within 2 days - evidence of performance sent to SQA
Results Results will be sent to the home of candidates (and can be sent electronically) during the first week of August (still to be confirmed by SQA) The school is informed of all results. Results may affect courses selected in S5.
Appeals Evidence - SQA require that schools provide evidence obtained under exam conditions - usually prelim and other tests. SQA issues a list of candidates for whom the school may appeal. SG Appeals notifies school towards end of October. New certificate in November
S5/6 Choices In February, choice of S5 subjects. Not every combination of subjects will necessarily be available. Very small sections may not run Make choice on realistic but positive prospects of achievement