“From Afghanistan to Aberdeen” Drug Trafficking into the UK
Afghanistan Golden Crescent- Afghanistan - Iran - Pakistan 87% of world opium cultivated in Afghanistan 10% of population involved in opium “industry” tonnes produced (UNODC statistics)
At war - but with what? zWar zone xUK and US forces fight insurgency/suicide bombs e.g. Helmand x1 of main fights - vs drug cartels zDEA “Operation Containment” xFight against drugs >> Afghan democracy z$billions - fund extremism xOnly = to oil revenue
“Hierarchy of prices” zDrugs barons repress own people xopium farmers 100x less than processed heroin in Western countries Poppy Farmer>>> Trafficker>>> Dealer>>> Illegal market
Illegal Market Processing (Iran, Pakistan) Transit - Through Turkey (EU membership implications) - Drugs mules - young girls promised better life in West >> prostitution Retail in UK g heroin £ g heroin £61 (as low as £40)
Innocent Flower?? Deadly Trail….