3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre Options for the development of electronic journal publishing in Latin America Ian M. Johnson
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre ISSUES Research, communication and development Challenges facing researchers and journal publishers in Latin America Implications for Latin America Introduce ALFA programme and the REVISTAS project Economics of journal publishing
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre THE DEVELOPMENT COMMUNICATION CHAIN New products and services Creativity through ideas Research, publication, and dissemination Society benefits Organisation’s success
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre CHALLENGES FACING LATIN AMERICAN JOURNALS “Commercial” journals Weak infrastructure Irregular publication Poor distribution Not included in indexing services Limited visibility Not publication of choice Subsidised journals No incentive for Quality control Distribution Not included in indexing services Limited visibility Not publication of choice
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre IMPLICATIONS FOR AUTHORS AND RESEARCH FUNDING AGENCIES? Linguistic isolation or E-publish full-text in original language and E-publish key information in English (and other major languages)
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre SOLUTIONS – FOR LATIN AMERICA? Subsidised e-publishing Open Access journals Institutional Repositories Aggregator models
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre ALFA America Latina - Formacion Academica Academic links 3+ Universities in Latin America 3+ Universities in European Union
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre ALFA LIBRARIES PROJECTS RELACION REVISTAS BIBLIOTECA DE BABEL
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre REVISTAS PARTNERSHIP Great Britain The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen (Contractor) Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh Mexico Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (CUIB) Argentina Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca Brazil Universidad Federal do Parana, Curitiba Spain Universidad Carlos III, Madrid Sweden Hogskolan i Boras
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre REVISTAS – REd VIrtual Sobre Todas las AmericaS
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre PROJECT AIMS study the feasibility of digitising all the Spanish and Portuguese journals in the field of library and information science particularly those published in Latin America
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre OBJECTIVES Identify the journals and their publishers identify the patterns of publication and use seek agreement from publishers for digitisation review mechanisms for developing a electronic library ensuring that journals are indexed and abstracted in an online database develop an on-line inventory of training resources in digitisation identify funds for the digitisation
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre BENEFITS Research and publication Improvements in teaching and learning Enhancement of researchers’ impact and status Dissemination of information Spreads best practice Underpins Continuing Professional Development Reinforce the position of librarians and other information professionals in the ‘Information Society’
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre RESEARCH TARGETS (1) User acceptance Education, including distance learning Author acceptance Citation and impact analysis Publisher acceptance Standards in journal editing Copyright Availability of e-text
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre RESEARCH TARGETS (2) Alternative sites for the virtual library Aggregators Commercial Not for profit Collaborative, or independent, web publishing Conformance to standards Linking, e.g. CrossRef, Godot COUNTER Financial model for the virtual library
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre PLAN OF WORK 2004 – Meetings in Mexico and Argentina Identify journals Analyse journal use Review literature on digitisation 2005 – Meetings in Aberdeen and Curitiba Negotiate with publishers Identify digitisation centres Investigate hosting Assess costs and identify funds Final Conference Publicity and publications
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre RESULTS TO DATE Identification of journals published Contact with publishers
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre THE WAY AHEAD A new role for librarians Development of institutional repositories Collaborative indexing The role of INFOBILA
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre PRINT JOURNAL PUBLISHING PARADIGM The functions of the journal Registration Certification Communication Archiving The functions of the publisher Quality control Production Distribution Marketing The functions of the vendor Aggregation Financial management Problem solving The functions of the library Storage Access Awareness Preservation
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre COSTS OF JOURNALS FOR THE PUBLISHER Editorial offices Copy editing and proof reading Production and distribution Marketing Listing in databases Customer support Archiving Sales and licence management
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre INVESTMENT IN ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING Initial development costs Digitising older material Added value features
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLISHERS Technological awareness Information retrieval New business models
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre IMPLICATIONS FOR LIBRARIANS Technological awareness to develop repositories Quality assurance of contents Marketing expertise to promote use of e- journals Commitment Sustainability Preservation Collaboration and cooperation
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre MAIN OUTPUTS A framework for a virtual library in Librarianship and Information Studies Enhanced inter-regional understanding and collaboration Raised awareness of the need for specialised human resources to underpin the ‘Information Society’ Supporting library staff in adapting to new media
3ra Jornada sobre la Bibiotecal Digital Universitaria, Cordoba, Octubre Thank you for your attention