My child’s learning is progressing well. ‘Teachers are approachable, encouraging and foster a very positive, holistic ethos’ ‘Progress was hindered due to different staff teaching the class’
My child is encouraged to work to the best of their ability. ‘System of praise slips is excellent encouragement’ ‘Always given ideas/support for additional study from teachers’
I am kept well informed about my child’s progress. ‘Have to wait for annual parents’ night to hear about higher progress.’ ‘Would like to be informed of any concerns.’ ‘More feedback/communication possible through homework diary’ ‘Not given praise slips’ ‘More time at parents evening appointments’ ‘Only on yearly basis’
My child feels safe at school. ‘Child feels staff are approachable should a problem occur’ ‘Any situation is dealt with quickly’
My child is treated fairly at school. ‘Praise slips should be given to children who consistently make an effort instead of those who usually misbehave’
I feel that staff really know my child as an individual and support them well. ‘Most staff are extremely supportive and that is appreciated’ ‘Unsettling having a new guidance teacher’ ‘Some teaching staff don’t have time to listen’ ‘Most impressed at parents evening as to how well each teacher knew my child’ ‘Varies between teachers’
‘Advice for Higher pupils on study skills and organisation/best use of study time.’ ‘Feel teachers could be more observant and pick up on problems of teasing and put a stop to it.’ ‘More support for Standard Grade students.’ ‘Classes for extra study very limited.’ ‘Assistance from teachers – some help, others have no interest.’ ‘Marking own homework not beneficial.’ ‘Unsure if homework assigned as no notes in childs diary.’ ‘Lack of communication between Guidance and Year Heads’ ‘Don’t agree with different teachers for same subject’ ‘Impressed by quality of the education my child is receiving’ ‘After school club – homework club’ ‘Continue with support network at home’ ‘Safety concern regarding pupils trying to cross the Aberdeen Road’ Improving Mearns Academy – Support for Pupils.
Improving Mearns Academy – Achievements and Attainment. ‘Praise and concern slips are helpful’ ‘Outwith parents evening it is not easy to gauge attainment’ ‘Keep able pupils engaged and challenged’ ‘Lack of resources reduces scheduled number of lessons’ ‘Recognise prolonged/consistent effort.’ ‘Little for the children who are average – either end of the scale tend to be recognised’ ‘Recent activity days were excellent’ ‘Quality of teaching and discipline is very good’ ‘More continuity in teachers for same subject’ ‘Trips are effective’ ‘Give mock exams at an earlier stage so children can experience exam conditions’ ‘Very frustrating to have a stream of supply teachers who have no knowledge of the subject they are teaching’ Improving Mearns Academy – Learner's Experiences.
Improving Mearns Academy – The Curriculum. ‘Course choice for S5/S6 limited’ ‘More contact from department if struggling with course’ ‘Slow to replace teaching staff when they leave which can be disruptive and unsettling’ ‘No regular homework for any subject other than Maths’ ‘Don’t agree with Maths & English Standard Grades being done in 3 years’ ‘Disadvantaged by taking standard grades a year early’ ‘Wider choice of subjects going into S6’ ‘Teach study skills to improve independent learning’ ‘Well set out and varied throughout the day’
Improving Mearns Academy – Leadership of the School. ‘Very positive and keen to involve parents’ ‘SMT are very approachable and helpful’ ‘Excellent leadership from the top ensures school maintains its high standards’ ‘Kept better informed about homework and if work is deteriorating’ ‘No direct contact outwith parents evening’ ‘ ing via the website is an excellent facility’ ‘Improved through GLOW’ ‘Good liaison and informative partnership’ Improving Mearns Academy – Partnership with Parents.
Overall satisfaction with the quality of our service.
‘Experience to date has been extremely positive’ ‘Child is getting a high quality education’ ‘Caring and friendly school’ ‘Staff and senior staff approachable and understanding’ ‘Any concerns dealt with promptly’ ‘Nothing but praise for the education, support, extra-curricular activities and guidance received at Mearns’ ‘Excellent school, the management and staff more than make up for the poor facilities’ ‘Any problems were dealt with quickly and fairly’ ‘Immediate response to bullying incident’ ‘An excellent educational facility to which we are very glad to have our children attending’ ‘Academic quality of service is excellent’ Comments received - Overall satisfaction with the quality of our service.