EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND Types of Withdrawal Scheme
EPF Accounts Health Pre-retirement Retirement Acc. 3 10% Acc. 2 30% 60% Acc. 2 30% Acc. 3 10% Health Retirement Pre-retirement
60 % 10 % 30 % 100 % WITHDRAWAL SCHEME ACCOUNTS 1 ACCOUNTS 3 Retirement Investment 60 % ACCOUNTS 3 Medical 10 % ACCOUNTS 2 Housing Reducing / Redeeming Housing Loan Age 50 Years Education Computer 30 % ALL SAVINGS Physical or Mental Incapacitation Leaving Malaysia Death 100 %
INVESTMENT WITHDRAWAL ( ACC 1 ) This scheme allows members with more than RM55,000 in their Account I (Retirement Account) to invest a portion of their savings in fund management companies approved by the Ministry of Finance. The minimum amount that can be invested is RM1,000. How much can you withdraw? An example (For first time withdrawals) Case I (RM) Case II (RM) Balance in Account I 100,000 55,000 Total savings above RM50,000 in Account I (Y) 50,000 5,000 20% x (Y) 10,000 1,000 Amount allowed for investment 10,000 1,000 New balance in Account I 90,000 54,000 A member can withdraw for a second time, three months after the first withdrawal. In the above case, the member in Case II cannot withdraw since his balance of RM54,000 is below the required RM55,000.000. However, the member in Case I can still withdraw money to invest in the unit trust. The amount that can be withdrawn is shown below: Balance in Account I 90,000 Total of savings amounting to more than 40,000 (90,000-50,000) RM 50,000 in Account I (Y) 20% x (Y) 8,000 Balance of account 82,000 The amount that can be withdrawn by the member in Case 1 is RM8,000.00, and he or she can further withdraw 20% every three months until his balance reaches RM55,000.
INVESTMENT WITHDRAWAL ( ACC 1 ) Approved Fund Managers 1. Mayban Investment Management Sdn Bhd 2. OSK-UOB Unit Trust Management Berhad 3. Kuala Lumpur Mutual Fund Berhad 4. Amanah Saham Sarawak 5. Perdana Merchant Bankers Berhad 6. SBB Unit Trust Management Berhad 7. MIMB Aberdeen Asset Management Sdn Bhd 8. HLB Unit Trust Management Berhad 9.BHLB Asset Management Sdn Bhd 10.MBF Unit Trust Management Berhad 11.Asia Unit Trust Berhad 12.Rashid Hussain Asset Management Sdn Bhd 13.TA Unit Trust Management Berhad 14.SBB Asset Management Sdn Bhd 15.BHLB Pacific Trust Management Berhad 16.Affin Fund Management Sdn Bhd 17.AMMB Asset Management Sdn Bhd 18.AMMB Investment Services Berhad 19.ASM Mara Unit Trust Management Berhad 20.Pacific Mutual Fund Berhad 21.Bumiputra Merchant Bankers Berhad 22.Lembaga Tabung Haji 23.Permodalan BSN Berhad 24.RHB Unit Trust Management Berhad 25.Phillip Capital Management Sdn Bhd 26.CMS Trust Management Berhad 27.HLG Asset Management Bhd 28.Mayban Management Bhd 29.Apex Unit Trusts Berhad 30.Commerce Trust Management Berhad 31.Amanah Saham Nasional Berhad (ASN2) 32.KAF Management Services Sdn. Bhd. 33.ASM Asset Management Sdn. Bhd. 34.DEXIA JMF Asset Management Sdn. Bhd. 35.Metrowangsa Asset Management Sdn. Bhd. 36.PAB Unit Trust Management Berhad
HOUSE PURCHASE WITHDRAWAL ( ACC 2 ) FIRST HOUSE 30 % of the member's contribution is credited into this account. This scheme allows members to withdraw their funds for two purposes. Withdrawals to buy or build a house Withdrawals to reduce or settle the balance of a housing loan Members can withdraw the difference between the price of the house and loan with an additional 10% of the price of the house or all the savings in Account II by completing the KWSP 9C (AHL) form. An example Cost of house RM 75,000 Loan amount RM 60,000 Difference between cost of house and loan amount RM 15,000 Add 10% of cost of house RM 7,500 Amount eligible for withdrawal RM 22,500 Balance in Account II RM 18,000 Amount which can be withdrawn RM 18,000 In this case, the member can only withdraw RM 18,000, the balance he or she has in Account II. SECOND HOUSE Provided your first house under the house withdrawal scheme is sold. The purchase of your second house must be after 2nd Jan 2001.
REDUCE / REDEEMING HOUSE LOAN ( ACC 2 ) Members can withdraw money from Account II to service the residues of their housing loan. Withdrawals can be made every three (3) years. Who is qualified to apply? You can apply if: You have an outstanding balance of loan used to buy a house / shophouse and the mortgage on the house is the first mortgage You have not reached the age of 55 years during approval of the application. You don't qualify if: The application is for house renovation/ repair to your existing property For individual purchases, you are entitled to withdraw: All your savings in Account II OR The balance of your housing loan, whichever is lower. For joint purchases, both parties can take out: All their savings in Account II The balance of their housing loan, whichever is lower. In this circumstance, EPF will process the application from Buyer I and if the savings is not enough, then EPF will process the application from Buyer II.
Acc 2 REDUCE / REDEEMING HOUSE LOAN ( ACC 2 ) House Loan An example Cost of house RM 75,000 Balance of Loan RM 31,500 Savings in Account II RM 15,000 Amount which can be withdrawn RM 15,000 Members are allowed to withdraw from this scheme every three years from the date of the first withdrawal from the same account. You will need to apply separately every time you wish to withdraw from this account by completing the KWSP 9C (AHL) form. Acc 2 House Loan
EDUCATION WITHDRAWAL ( ACC 2 ) This scheme allows members to withdraw from their account II to pay the fees for their children or themselves who further studies in any institutions locally or abroad. Level of Education For member : Diploma and above. For member's children : Degree and above. Amount eligible for withdrawal Members may withdraw maximum amount of total fees or all balance in account II, which ever is lower. Member may apply for withdrawal on each academic year provided that there is balance in the account II. Mode of Payment Basically, there are three modes of payment made by the EPF under this scheme. They are: the local institutions of higher learning. members* if member or their children are pursuing studies abroad or any payment made by the member, subject to the terms and conditions. the financial institutions to settle or reduce the balance of study loans taken up by members under certain conditions member or members' children currently studying in institutions of higher learning including study loans under the name of the member or both member and their children's name. How to apply Before a member can apply for withdrawal under this scheme, member is required to check the balance in account II and obtain a letter from EPF on how much amount allowed to be withdrawn. To obtain this letter, the following documents are necessary: letter of acceptance from the university or college for the member or member's children or letter of registration for subsequent years of study (for second year and following years). member identification card. copy of member's bank account book or Current Account Statement. Members can apply this scheme by completing form KWSP 9H (AHL) together with the relevant supporting documents.
COMPUTER PURCHASE WITHDRAWAL ( ACC 2 ) This scheme enables members to withdraw for purchasing personal computer for them or their children. Amount eligible for withdrawal Members can withdraw up to RM3,500.00 or balance in Account II, which ever is lower. For joint application, members can withdraw up to RM3,500.00 or total all balance in members Account II, which ever is lower. For joint application, members must submit application together. Joint application is only for those who are purchasing a personal computer for their children. Example For individual application Quotation for personal computer RM 4,500 Balance in account II RM10,000 Amount eligible for withdrawal RM 3,500 For joint application Quotation for personal computer RM 5,500 Balance in account II RM 6,000 Balance in account II RM 2,500 The amount to be deducted in each account may be decided by the members provided that it is not exceeding the balance of each account or the maximum amount for withdrawal (RM 3,500). Frequency of withdrawal and mode of payment Members are allowed to withdraw once under this scheme. Members who have withdrawn previously are not eligible to apply again.
50 AGE 50 YRS WITHDRAWAL ( ACC 2 ) Altera Service Award Members can withdraw the entire sum from this account at age 50 as a pre-retirement savings. The form to complete is KWSP 9B (AHL). 50 Altera Service Award
MEDICAL WITHDRAWAL ( ACC 3 ) 10 % of the member's contribution is credited into this account. You can withdraw from this account for medical costs of critical illnesses. This withdrawal can be used to cover spouse, children, siblings and parents. There is a list of critical illnesses that qualifies for withdrawal. The amount which qualifies for withdrawal is: All the savings in Account III OR The cost of treatment An example Cost of medical treatment RM 10,000 Savings in Account III RM 3,000 Amount which can be withdrawn RM 3,000 Since the savings in Account III is only RM 3,000, the member can take out that amount to supplement the bill. The form to complete is KWSP 9D (AHL).
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