pdr36O review A service for students’ unions from
pdr36O review What is a pdr36O personal development review? A pdr36O review is a way of providing student officers with constructive feedback on their performance to enable them to build on their strengths, address development needs and improve their confidence and impact.
pdr36O review The review subject Other officers Union staff University staff How does it work? Key contacts of the officer (the review subject) are identified Other contacts
pdr36O review Each nominated contact is invited to complete an online questionnaire about the review subject What do you consider to be the review subject 's key strengths?
pdr36O review Responses are compiled into a non-attributable report
pdr36O review The report contains: Competency strengths and development needs
pdr36O review The report contains: Ranked strengths
pdr36O review The report contains: Written feedback on strengths and development needs Key strengths Own comments I am very positive and believe that the Union can achieve anything that it sets its mind to and I keep this in mind at all times Others comments Commitment - Pamela's commitment to the Union and her role within it is unparalleled Pamela genuinely cares about the organisation and works incredibly hard to improve it
pdr36O review The report is fed back in a confidential one-to-one feedback discussion with a trained facilitator
pdr36O review A personal action plan is developed for the coming months
pdr36O review Improved motivation Improved performance So what are officer pdr36O reviews used for in students’ unions?
pdr36O review Clearer objectives So what are officer pdr36O reviews used for in students’ unions? Team development
pdr36O review Increased impact Personal growth So what are officer pdr36O reviews used for in students’ unions?
pdr36O review Improved Communications So what are officer pdr36O reviews used for in students’ unions? Career development
pdr36O review So which Unions have used our pdr36O review? Aberdeen Aberystwyth Anglia Ruskin Bath Bedfordshire Birmingham Birmingham City Bournemouth Brighton Bristol Brunel Buckinghamshire Cardiff Central Lancashire Chichester Coventry De Montfort Derby Derby College Durham Manchester Manchester Met Middlesex Nottingham Trent Nottingham NUS NUS Scotland NUS Wales OUSA Oxford Brookes Portsmouth Plymouth Queen Mary Reading Sheffield Southampton Southampton Solent SOAS East Anglia Edinburgh Essex Exeter Glasgow Caledonian Goldsmiths Hertfordshire Huddersfield Hull Kings Lancaster Leeds Leeds Met Leicester Limerick Lincoln Liverpool John Moores London Arts LSE London South Bank Swansea Met Stirling Trinity St David Ulster UCL Warwick West of England Westminster Winchester York York St John
pdr36O review For further information contact Or read our best selling Pocketbook Phone +44 (0)
pdr36O review A service for students’ unions from