Well Care Medical Presents: First Aid for Bee Stings, Spider and Snake Bites
Presented by: Melinda Zavala-Marketing Director With Assistance: Jessica Martinez-Marketing Rep-Laredo Jene Jones-Power -Marketing Rep Corpus Christi
The danger of bee stings The two greatest risks from most insect stings are allergic reaction infection
What to do if you are stung: Bees leave behind a stinger attached to a venom sac. Wash the area carefully with soap and water. Apply a cold or ice pack, wrapped in cloth for a few minutes. Apply a paste of baking soda and water and leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. Take acetaminophen for pain dabbing on a tiny amount of household ammonia taking an over-the-counter antihistamine,
When to seek medical attention : Person is stung in the mouth or nose as swelling may block airways large areas of swelling abnormal breathing tightness in throat or chest dizziness hives fainting nausea or vomiting persistent pain or swelling
Allergic Reaction
First Aid Spider Bites The danger of spider bites: Most spiders found in the United States are harmless, with the exception of: the black widow brown recluse spiders
What is a brown recluse spider? The brown recluse spider, or violin spider, is about 1 inch long and has a violin shaped mark on its upper back. It is often found in warm, dry climates and prefers to stay in undisturbed areas such as basements, closets, and attics. It is not an aggressive spider, but will attack if trapped or held against the skin.
What are the symptoms of a brown recluse spider bite? burning, pain, itching, or redness at the site which is usually delayed and may develop within several hours or days of the bite a deep blue or purple area around the bite, surrounded by a whitish ring and large red outer ring similar to a "bulls eye" an ulcer or blister that turns black headache, body aches rash fever nausea or vomiting Always consult a physician for a diagnosis!!!!!!!!!
First Aid treatment may include: Wash the area well with soap and water. Apply a cold or ice pack wrapped in a cloth, or a cold, wet washcloth to the site. apply an antibiotic lotion or cream. Give acetaminophen for pain. Elevate the site if the bite occurred on an arm or leg (to help prevent swelling). Seek immediate emergency care for further treatment.
First Day of Seeking Medical Treatment. Third Day of Spider Bite
Day 4 With Medical Treatment
Day 10 with Medical Treatment
Day 10 With Medical Treatment
What is a black widow spider? A black widow spider is a small, shiny, black, button-shaped spider with a red hourglass mark on its abdomen, and prefers warm climates. Black widow spider bites release a toxin that can cause damage to the nervous system, thus emergency medical treatment is necessary
Symptoms may include sweating immediate pain, burning, swelling, and redness at the site cramping pain and muscle rigidity in the stomach, chest, shoulders, and back Headache Dizziness rash and itching restlessness and anxiety sweating eyelid swelling nausea or vomiting salivation, tearing of the eyes weakness, tremors, or paralysis, especially in the legs Always consult your physician for a diagnosis
Treatment for a black widow spider bite: Wash the area well with soap and water. Apply a cold or ice pack wrapped in a cloth, or a cold, wet washcloth to the site. To protect against infection, particularly in children, apply an antibiotic lotion or cream. Seek immediate emergency care for further treatment Specific treatment for a black widow spider bite will be determined by your physician.
Snake Bite Statistics About 7,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes in the U.S. annually. Only 0.2% venomous snake bites result in death On average, 1 to 2 people in Texas die each year from venomous snake bites in Texas. Roughly half of all venomous snake bites are "dry." That is, the snake does not inject venom into the victim.
What snakes cause poisonous bites? Any of the following snakes cause poisonous bites: Rattlesnake Copperhead Cottonmouth Water Moccasin Coral Snake
Rattlesnake Rattlesnake
Coral Snake
Water Moccasin
Symptoms of poisonous snake bites: bloody wound discharge fang marks in the skin and swelling at the site of the bite severe localized pain diarrhea burning increased thirst loss of muscle coordination nausea and vomiting numbness and tingling rapid pulse convulsions fainting dizziness weakness blurred vision excessive sweating fever
How are snake bites treated? Call for emergency assistance immediately While waiting for emergency assistance: Wash the bite with soap and water. Immobilize the bitten area and keep it lower than the heart. Cover the area with a clean, compress or a moist dressing to minimize swelling and discomfort. Monitor vital signs.
No access to medical care within 30 minutes: Apply a bandage, wrapped two to four inches above the bite, to help slow the venom. This should not cut off the flow of blood from a vein or artery - the band should be loose enough to slip a finger under it. A suction device can be placed over the bite to help draw venom out of the wound without making cuts. These devices are often included in commercial snake bite kits.
What NOT to do for Snake Bite Victims Do not make cuts over the snake bite. This often leads to more tissue trauma and damage. Do not apply a tourniquet or other constricting device. Do not apply a cold pack or ice to the snake bite. Do not apply an electrical shock to the snake bite. Do not take pain reliever or other medications unless instructed to do so by a physician. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. Do not administer antivenom in the field. Treatment for snake bites is best conducted in an appropriate medical facility.
How are snake bites treated? Most often, physicians use antivenin -- an antidote to snake venom -- to treat serious snake bites. Antivenin is derived from antibodies created in a horse's blood serum when the animal is injected with snake venom. Because antivenin is obtained from horses, snake bite victims sensitive to horse products must be carefully managed.
Victim of a Snake Bite
In Conclusion Housekeeping Educate Observe Seek Treatment
Their time and attention Well Care Medical Thanks The STEPS Association for Their time and attention