Textual Studies From The Gospel Of Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles
Lesson 21 – The Widow’s Gift 21:1-4 Jesus observed the rich putting their gifts into the treasury v. 1 He also watched a poor widow deposit her money v. 2 Her “lepta” [2 small copper coins] was worth 1/64 of a denarius (1 denarius = 1 day’s wage)
Lesson 21 – The Widow’s Gift 21:1-4 Jesus comments on the “real worth” of the poor widow’s contribution vv. 3-4 The wealthy gave “out of their surplus” The poor widow “gave out of her poverty…she gave all she had” Therefore, she gave more than did the wealthy
Lesson 21 – The Widow’s Gift 21:1-4 The lesson… The widow gave of her all…including herself cp. 2 Cor 8:1-5 This type of “sacrifice” was also what Jesus had earlier taught re: being His disciple cp. 14:33
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Jesus, the disciples discuss the Temple They comment on the buildings, the beautiful stones, etc. v. 5 Mt 24:1 Mk 13:1 We also know the construction of the Temple took 46 years Jn 2:20
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Jesus said the Temple’s “beauty” would be destroyed…not even 1 stone left upon another v. 6 Jesus proceeds to the Mt of Olives with His disciples Mt 24:3 Mk 13:3
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Four of His disciples (Peter, Andrew, James, & John) ask Him when this would take place v. 7 Mk 13:3 Jesus cautions them as to “when” vv. 8-9 Some would come in His name, claiming to be the Christ… “Do not go after them”
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Jesus cautions them as to “when” vv. 8-9 Rumors…disturbances would take place “These things must take place – yet, the end does not follow immediately” An important passage to remember when dealing with a premillennialist
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Jesus continued His warning vv There would be “signs” that would signal the “beginning of sorrows” vv Mk 13:8 Before all these things take place, the apostles themselves would be affected vv. 12, The Lord would be with them vv , 18
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Jesus continued His warning vv Through their “endurance” they would be delivered v. 19 All this would happen to them so that they would have an opportunity to “testify” v. 13
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Prophetic warnings vv Jerusalem “surrounded”…her “desolation” is near v. 20 cp. Dan 9 Mt 24:15 Mk 13:14 Those in the city need to flee to the mountains for refuge, safety vv END OF WORLD??? [Premillennial doctrine]
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Prophetic warnings vv Woe to those pregnant, nursing babes v. 23 END OF WORLD?? [Premillennial doctrine] Jerusalem will be trampled under foot by the Gentiles v. 24 END OF WORLD?? [Premillennial doctrine]
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Prophetic warnings vv “Signs” will accompany this vv Not the “final judgment” cp. Isa 13:10 Ezek 32:7-8 Joel 2:30-31 Acts 2:16-21 When all this happens, the disciples were told, “Your redemption is near” v. 28
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 A parable to illustrate vv A fig tree’s leaves signal the onset of summer Similarly, these “signs” would signal the coming judgment upon Jerusalem That generation would not pass until all these things took place v. 32 Key verse
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Final assurances vv All based on the “surety” of Jesus’ word v. 33 What would needed during these days? “Be on your guard” “Do not be weighed down with improper behavior”
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Final assurances vv All based on the “surety” of Jesus’ word v. 33 What would needed during these days? “Keep on the alert” “Pray for strength”
Lesson 21 – Jerusalem’s End 21:5-36 Final assurances vv Though these words do not physically apply to us nor to the final judgment & end of the world, they can & should serve as a warning We need to be just as ready for Jesus’ eventual return