قال الرسول الكريم: المؤمن مرآة أخيه
رحم الله من أهدى إليّ عيوبي
PREGNANCY Medico legal aspects
Medico-legal importance: 1.In cases of rape. 2.When a woman is committed to death 3.In cases of divorce 4.widow may allege to be pregnant 5.Married women living apart from their husbands
Diagnosis of pregnancy Probable signs of pregnancy: Breast signs Abdominal wall signs Vulva signs Vaginal signs Uterine signs
breast abdominal vaginal vulva Uterine
Sure signs of pregnancy: 1.Inspection of fetal movements after the 4th month. 2.Palpation of fetal parts after the 4-month. 3.Auscultation of the fetal heart beats between the 4 th and 5 th month.
Size of the uterus: 1.small orange 2.large orange 3.size of fetal head umbilicus at the end of the 6th month reaching the xiphoid at the end 9th M
4- Radiography of the fetus after the 5 th month 5- Ultra-sonography 6-The immunological test
Estimation of gestational period in livings: palpating the level of the fundus sonography.
Estimation of gestational period in dead Hess formula length Before the 5th month = (month) 2 After 5th month = month x 5
2- DELIVERY Medico-legal importance of delivery 1.when a widow alleges that she gave birth to an infant 2.when a murdered newly born infant is found 3.Interchange of infants
Signs of recent delivery 1.General signs of exhaustion 2.Breasts 3.Abdominal wall: 4.External genitals: 5. Lochia
6-External cervical os: 7-Ovaries: 8- Uterus a)Immediately after delivery b)One week after delivery c)Two weeks after delivery d)Six weeks after delivery
Five Day Post-partum Uterus
Signs of remote delivery in living Breasts:. Abdominal wall: Lax abdominal wall with linea albicantes. Perineum: Scars of old perineal tears. Vagina: Smooth, dilated Cervix: External cervical os is transverse (slit- shaped)
ABORTION Definition ML conditions in which a female is examined for sings of abortion 1. 1.After a blow in a fight 2.Medical man gave abortifacient drugs 3.conceal abortion after being charged with it
Types of abortion 1-Spontaneous abortion Diseases of the mother Diseases of the fetus
2-Induced abortion: A)Therapeutic (lawful) abortion Precautions before performance of therapeutic abortion
Methods A) A)D&C B) B)Suction aspiration: C) C)hysterotomy
B) Criminal (unlawful) abortion
Methods of induction of criminal abortion 1.General violence 2.Local violence 3.Abortifacient drugs
Dangers of abortion 1- Neurogenic shock 2- Hemorrhage: 3- Embolism: a)Air embolism: passage of air opened placental sinuses. b) Soap or glycerin embolisms. c) Thrombo-embolism:
4- Acute poisoning. 5- Sepsis.
DIAGNOSIS OF ABORTION Patient ’s consent Signs of pregnancy Signs of general violence Signs of local violence Laboratory investigations Products of abortion
Person Subject-of-a-life Birth Viability Fetus Embryo Zygote-implantation Egg