LEARNING TO OBEY 1 Kings 17:8-16. INTRODUCTION  Today’s passage is about a widow who fed Elijah the prophet.  She had little flour and oil but it lasted.


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Presentation transcript:

LEARNING TO OBEY 1 Kings 17:8-16

INTRODUCTION  Today’s passage is about a widow who fed Elijah the prophet.  She had little flour and oil but it lasted until the end of the drought.  Why?  Because she was faithful.

 In the earlier verses, we read about how Elijah announces that there is going to be a severe drought.  Elijah heads to a stream where he is fed by the ravens.  But the stream dries up and Elijah is told to move.  What can we learn from this widow?

1.THE WIDOW’S OPPORTUNITY  The widow had been chosen specifically to provide for Elijah.  Many of us view giving as an obligation.  We see tithes and offering as the price to pay for eternal life.

 But giving must be seen as an opportunity rather than an obligation.  When you are forced to give, there is no more cheerfulness.  When we give out of love, it becomes a joy.  The task of providing for Elijah was not given to anybody.

 It was given to somebody.  God does not want anybody to provide for His church.  He wants somebody to give, somebody to teach, somebody to serve.  Giving to God’s work must be an opportunity done out of love.  Luke 4:25-26 – Even Jesus remembers.

2. THE WIDOW’S OPENNESS.  The widow was honest in her evaluation of her financial situation.  She was honest in what she had and what she could give.  In the Middle East, you do not refuse a traveler a cup of water.  She was given an opportunity to do her duty.

 Note this point.  A. God uses unlikely people. If you were God, would you send Elijah to a widow who had only a handful of flour?

 B. God holds us accountable for what we have. God will never expect more from us then what He has entrusted to us.  Elijah just wanted a piece of bread.  The key to stewardship is in v. 13

 The word “first”.  He will give you all you need, if you live for Him and make His kingdom your primary concern. (Matt.6:33)  Many of us practice residual religion.  We give God the very best, of all our leftovers.  Left over money, left over time, left over talents

 A farmer had two calves.  He told his pastor that he sell the calves and give one half to God.  There was a big storm.  The farmer came and told the pastor, “You know the storm last week? Well during the storm, God’s calf died.”

3. THE WIDOW’S OFFER-v. 17:14  God said, “if you trust me, then I will provide for you.”  It is the same offer God is making today.  “If you listen to me and trust me, I will reward you.”  When you put God first, God puts you first.

4.THE WIDOW’S OBEDIENCE.  The widow took God and Elijah at their word.  She did what was asked.  She gave out of her poverty not out of her plenty.  The promises of God are dependent on our obedience to God.

 Abraham had to leave his homeland in order to get to the Promised land.  Moses had to stretch the rod before the Red sea parted.  The widow had to use up her last bit of flour and oil before God provided more.

 If your employer cut your salary by 10% tomorrow, would you die?  Would you starve to death?  In Phil.4:19, God will use His riches to provide for us.  Do you trust Him to do that?

CONCLUSION  The widow experienced an overflow in blessings just as the LORD had promised.  God will provide when we trust Him and demonstrate that trust through obedience.  Prov.11:24 – Possible to become wealthy.