Parenting 101: Teaching Values to Children Human Growth & Development
Warm-up Read the scenario I handed you at the door. Consider the role of parents in fostering moral development and self-discipline in children. Do the two go together? Discuss how your scenario might influence moral development. Can you think of a similar situation from childhood when lessons in right and wrong were taught?
Values A young woman in New Jersey bought four lottery tickets – two for herself and two for a co-worker. Her ticket numbers were not posted among the winners, so she tore them up. In the meantime, the co-worker went on a vacation to Wisconsin, where he dies suddenly. Later, when she was cleaning out her purse, the woman found his lottery tickets and checked them with the posted list. To her surprise, the dead man’s ticket was worth $50,000. She could keep the money, and no one would know the difference – or she could give it to the man’s widow. What would you do? Keep in mind that only you would know what really happened. No one would really suffer if you kept the money. The widow would never know what she lost.
What is a value? Qualities, characteristics, or ideas about which we feel strongly. Our values affect our decisions, goals and behavior. A belief or feeling that someone or something is worthwhile. Values define what is of worth, what is beneficial, and what is harmful Values are standards to guide your action, judgments, and attitudes.
Money Money Money You have been given a check for $1000.00 to do whatever you like with it. What would you do with it? Share with the class what you would do with it. Conclusion: What you spend the money on has everything to do with what you value.
What things did you do during the past week? What you choose to do with your time also has everything to do with what you values. Momzilla, what would you do?
Immaturity: Unclear values Drifters Flighty Uncertain Apathetic Hypocrite-One who subscribes to one set of values, and does another. Immaturity-One who has not identified his values. Immaturity: Unclear values Drifters Flighty Uncertain Apathetic Maturity Clear values Life of purpose Meaning/direction
Direction: Values – Goals – Behavior – Self-value Values give direction and consistency to behavior. Values help you know what to and not to make time for. Values establish a relationship between you and the world. Values set the direction for one’s life.
Where do we get values? our homes school society friends TV church music books families culture employers time-period in which you were raised (70’s anti- establishment, peace, individuality. 80’s money, prestige, don’t get caught, etc. 90’s earth, green peace, health and fitness), etc.
Ages 8-13 --- teachers, heroes (sports, rocks, TV) Your age will greatly influence your values. Different people and things influence you at different ages: Ages 1-7 --- parents Ages 8-13 --- teachers, heroes (sports, rocks, TV) Ages 14-20 --- peers (values because of peers or peers because of values?) Ages 21+ your values are established, but you may test your values from time to time.
Value versus Facts: Facts simply state what actually are. It is easy to confuse values with facts. FACT: Many people are active in a specific religion. FACT: The most economical time to buy clothing is when the seasons change and the price is reduced. A fact is established by observation and measurement. Values are things we feel “should”, “ought”, or “are supposed to” influence our lives. VALUE: All people should be active in a specific religion. VALUE: The best time to buy clothing is when the price is discounted. A value is a statement of one’s personal beliefs.
Values and Behaviors: Happiness comes from letting values decide your behavior and goals. Values can change over a life-time as your experiences change your view. Remember the Titans
Types of Values: Moral Material Aesthetic Intrinsic Extrinsic Universal/American Group specific values
“If you stand for nothing. You fall for anything.”
“It’s not doing things right, but doing the right things. “
Assignment: Each group needs to list 10 values specific to your topic. Social Moral Intellectual Family Career