Harmful Traditional Practices Meaning of Harmful Traditional Practices. Harmful traditional practices refers to the belief, customs and ways of life that are capable of endangering the life and well being of the people. Such practices which are passed from one generation to another has negative impact on physical, psychological and social effect on the people.
Example of Harmful Traditional Practices 1. Early Marriage. 2 Example of Harmful Traditional Practices 1.Early Marriage. 2.Female Genital Mutilation. 3.Maltreatment of Widow. 4.Tribal Marks. 5.Child Abuse. 6. Superstitions. 7.Taboo.
Consequences of Harmful Traditional Practices. A . Social Consequences. -- Early marriage and choice of husband by parent may lead to divorce. --Tribal marks promotes ethnicity. -- Gender discrimination deprives female child of education. Economic Consequences. -- Lack of female education reduces manpower needed for economy growth. -- Early marriage may cause population explosion Psychological Consequences. -- Maltreatment of the widow may lead to emotional disturbance or mental disorder. -- A female child deprives from inheriting her parent property may feel rejected by the society.
Preventing Harmful Traditional Practices Education. Legislation. Advocacy. 4. Public enlightenment.