FFCUL, PORTUGALBologna Oct 2006 NEAREST FFCUL Fundação da Fac Ciências Univ Lisboa Administrative entity for different research groups at the University of Lisbon. CGUL – C entro de G eofisica da U niv. de L isboa LATTEX, L ab. de T ectonofísica e T ectónica E xperimental CeGUL - C entro de G eologia da U niv. de L isboa
FFCUL, PORTUGALBologna Oct 2006 NEAREST CGUL Leading geophysical research centre in Portugal Main Projects financed by EU Program Joule: IAM, Streamers Environment: DETWS, GITEC, GITEC-TWO MASTII/III MARFLUX, ISO-3D ESONET ESF: SWIM, MOMARNET 20 permanent researchers in Geopohysics and Meteorology
FFCUL, PORTUGALBologna Oct 2006 NEAREST CGUL Collaboration in NEAREST Seismic data acquisition (passive & active) Characterization of tsunamigenic sources in the Gulf of Cadiz Inundation modeling for specific Algarve area Maria Ana Baptista, Miguel Miranda Luis Matias, L Mendes Victor, PMSoares, J. Luis CGUL
FFCUL, PORTUGALBologna Oct 2006 NEAREST Some publications: Baptista et al, 2006, BSSA Gutscher et al., 2006 GRL V Baptista et al., 2006 Sc Tusnami Hazards Gutscher et al Tectonophysics Matias et al., 2005 Computers & Geosc. Matias et al., 2005, BSSA Mendes Victor et al., 2005 Baptista et al., 2003 NHESS Gracia et al., 2002, Geology Baptista et al., 1998 a,b J Geodynamics Gjevik et al., 1997 JGR Heinrich et al., 1994 Sc Tsunami Hazards Baptista et al, 1992 Sc Tsunami Hazards Etc... CGUL
FFCUL, PORTUGALBologna Oct 2006 NEAREST LATEX 1st Research center in Tectonicsl Main Projects MILUPOBAS BIGSETS MATESPRO Funded by FCT MAGMAFLUX SADOGEOROB 25 permanent researchers in Geopohysics and Meteorology
FFCUL, PORTUGALBologna Oct 2006 NEAREST Collaboration in NEAREST All tasks in which geoogical, tectonic and seismotectonic interpretation are reevant Pedro Terrinha, Fiipe Rosas,Antonio Ribeiro, Vasco Valadares LATEX
FFCUL, PORTUGALBologna Oct 2006 NEAREST Some publications: Ribeiro, 2002 Rosas et al, 2002 J Struct Geololgy Gutscher et al., 2006 GRL Cabral et al., 2003 J. Terrinha et al., 2003, Marine Geology Terrinha et al., 2002, J Geology Zitellini et al., 2005, PAGEOPH Zitellini et al., 2001, EOS LATEX
FFCUL, PORTUGALBologna Oct 2006 NEAREST CeGUL Several fields of geology Pionneer studies in Portugal on the geological records og high energy single events; interpreatation of data on environmental changes in the Portuguse coast throughout the last yersal since 18th centuty Projects GITEC-TWO, Siam I & II, Envichanges 20 permanent researchers in Geopohysics and Meteorology
FFCUL, PORTUGALBologna Oct 2006 NEAREST Identification of possible tsunami deposits in W Algarve Characterizatio and processing of data on sediments Collaboration with modeling team in validation of simulation of past events Cesar Andrade, Conceiçao Freitas CeGUL
FFCUL, PORTUGALBologna Oct 2006 NEAREST Some publications: Andrade et al., 2005, J Volc.& Geoth. Res. Andrade et a., 2004., 5th Int Symp. On coastal Engineering Andrade at a., 2004, Marine Geology Andrade & Freitas 2000, Sea leve changes and costal processes Freitas et al, 2002, Lategacial Quarternary Int. Hindson & Andrade, Phys & Chems of the Earth Dawson et al., 1995, The Holocene CeGUL