ORD PM Methods Research Proposed Plans Paul Solomon ORD/NERL OC/EC Meeting Durango, CO March 4-5, 2003 This presentation has been subject to Agency peer and administrative review and has been approved for presentation. Mention of trade names or commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Proposed Research Areas of Highest Priority rDriven by: ORD Clients: OAQPS, States/Local/Tribes, ORD Internal Needs Implementation Needs CENR PM Strategy; NARSTO Assessment rOverall Approach: Fundamental Understanding Focus on Standards and Reference Materials
rCarbonaceous PM, A Major Focus: New and Improved Methods, Quantifying Uncertainty, and Minimizing Artifacts for Collecting and Analyzing PM Collected on Filters for the Determination of: Organic Aerosol and Semi-Volatile Species with an Emphasis on Source Apportionment Needs Organic Carbon (OC) and Elemental Carbon (EC) Biogenic vs. Anthropogenic Carbonaceous Material using Radiocarbon Methods Proposed Research Areas of Highest Priority
rHighest Priority Areas PMcoarse FRM/FEM Organic Carbon and Elemental Carbon Collection and Analysis Methods Sampling Artifacts for OC When Using Quartz Filters Artifacts in EC and OC TOA Analysis Optimization of TOA Protocol - Fundamental Approach Development of OC and EC Standards; PM on Filters and Synthetic Proportionality of OC to Organic Material (account for C, H, O, N)
rH ighest Priority Areas (continued) Organic Aerosol Speciation with Focus on Source Apportionment Development of Calibration Standards and Reference Materials for Source Tracer Species Comparability Amongst Labs Nationwide Performing the Analyses (OC Workgroup) OC Collection Methods Minimizing Interferences from SVOC Using Denuders and Reactive Filters Biogenic vs Anthropogenic Sources of Carbon Radiocarbon Methods Proposed Research Areas of Highest Priority
rHig h Priority Areas Continuous Methods for Mass, Major Components of PM Fine and Coarse,and Physical Properties Gas Phase Precursors: Continuous and Integrated Others Proposed Research Areas of Highest Priority