MENTOR Fellows Bushmeat Assessments in Eastern Africa 2008 Isaac Seme MENTOR Fellow-Southern Sudan
MENTOR Fellows Assessment sites and methods Objectives: Regional Level Assessment on law enforcement National Level Assessments Site Level Assessments Multiple methods applied to assess status of bushmeat trade in eastern Africa Aim to identify and evaluate current bushmeat trade, potential solutions and partners
Map of Eastern Africa
Assessments Results from Southern Sudan Badingilo National Park Findings: Bushmeat consumption has increased, animal populations dropped due inadequate law enforcement and awareness. Major hunting methods is automatic rifle. Most hunted species are Tiang, Mongalla gazelle, warthog, bushback and hippo. Boma National Park Findings: Main source of protein and income for the communities. 21 wild animals species illegally hunted, 85% were herbivores while White-eared kob and Mongalla gazelle were the most targeted. Main hunting tool: automatic rifle Wildlife species decreasing: elephant, buffalo, giraffe and zebra due to inadequate law enforcement, human and technical capacity
Assessment Results from Tanzania Urban Centers in Morogoro and Kilombero District and Katavi National Park Findings: Bushmeat trade is increasing, has changed from subsistence use to commercial trade. Bushmeat is exported outside the countries to: Kenya, Zambia, Malawi, Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo and Far East The wildlife populations (ungulates) are decreasing Low awareness on wildlife laws and values Drivers include: cultural, protein and income use Institutional capacity inadequate (funds, manpower, knowledge) Inadequate monitoring, inspection and supervision during subsistence hunting In Katavi, the main hunting tool is muzzle loaders.
Assessment Results from Kenya Masai Mara Findings: Poaching for bushmeat in Masai Mara is increasing due to low awareness on the impacts. Most affected species include: wildebeest, zebra, buffalo, hippo and impala 11,398 snares and 895 other trapping devices confiscated in last five years Cross border bushmeat issues Drivers are income, protein and culture Wildlife Policy Findings: Wildlife belongs to state – no ownership rights for private individuals/communities Consumptive use restricted – no benefits to landholders from wildlife Little community involvement in wildlife management Consequences –rising bushmeat poaching and trade - commercialisation –habitat loss to other land-use due to lack of ownership rights –escalation of human wildlife conflict
Assessment Results from Uganda Urban Areas: Gulu, Kasese, Masindi, Kampala Findings: Declining populations and local extinctions in Murchison Falls and Queen Elizabeth National Parks The most preferred species: hippo, buffalo, warthog Species disappearing from the trade: hippo, buffalo and elephant Drivers: taste, poverty, cultural Bushmeat is important in livelihoods, economically average of US $300/month, average of 172kg/month Awareness inadequate on disease, laws, and wildlife value Insufficient law enforcement.
Regional Assessment Results on Law Enforcement Uganda, Tanzania, and Kenya Findings: Inadequate awareness of wildlife laws by law enforcers Lack of forensic analysis (bushmeat DNA testing) for proving cases Tanzania Economic Crime Act contributes to the failure in prosecuting wildlife cases. Tanzania laws have no provision for other wildlife values. Uganda laws have no provisions for financial values of wildlife in the laws. Need for transboundary law enforcement in Mara Serengeti ecosystem.
Commonalities and Differences Commonalities Inadequate awareness (diseases, wildlife laws, impact of bushmeat) across the eastern Africa Inadequate enforcement of laws, capacity and technology Decreasing wildlife populations Common drivers Common hunting tools Inadequate collaboration among stakeholders Differences Values of wildlife from legal perspectives Policies and laws