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The Kingdom Divided 2 Chronicles 1—36
Something To Think About One readily sees the unity of 1 and 2 Chronicles (originally written as a single document) as the author, having reported Solomon’s coronation at the end of 1 Chronicles, continued with a detailed account of Solomon’s rule of the nation. Using Solomon and the other kings of Israel, the author sought to remind his Hebrew readers of their roots as a nation blessed by God. Following the author’s clearly defined pattern, one will notice that when the nation obeyed God they prospered, while humiliation, defeat, and exile marked the path of disobedience.
KEY VERSE 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land”.
Lesson Objectives To discern the cycle that led to Israel’s destruction as a nation To grieve over the consequences of poor choices To guard our hearts against idolatry
SOLOMON’S REIGN: THE UNIFIED KINGDOM 2 Chronicles 1:1—9:31 The Introduction of Solomon’s Reign (1:1-17) The Construction of Solomon’s Temple (2:1—4:22) The Dedication of Solomon’s Temple (5:1—7:22) The Expansion of Solomon’s Fame (8:1—9:31) 1 Kings 9:16
The Lord gave Solomon the opportunity to ask for anything he wanted. He chose to ask God for wisdom. This request pleased God so much that Solomon received not only wisdom, but wealth and honor as well. James 1:5 encourages anyone who needs wisdom to ask God.
THE KINGS OF JUDAH— THE DIVIDEDKINGDOM 2 Chronicles 10:1—36:23 The First Cycle (10:1—21:3) 1 Kings 15:3 The Second Cycle (21:4—27:9) 2 Kings 8:26 The Third Cycle (28:1—32:33) The Fourth Cycle (33:1—35:27) The Fifth Cycle (36:1-23)
The kings of Judah did well as long as they followed God. When they went their own way they fell into the hands of their enemies. In what ways do we try to follow our own way? Seeing that Judah prospered under godly leadership, what type of leaders should we seek for our nation? Make a list of your local, state, and national leaders, and pray for them to be righteous. No matter what political party one supports the crying need for godly leaders must be a top priority.
QUESTIONS FOR STUDY AND DISCUSSION 1. Why was Solomon successful as a young king? In what ways did wisdom help Solomon govern the nation? 2. What does the temple teach us about God’s character and our relationship with Him? 3. Look at Solomon’s prayer of dedication for the temple in 2 Chronicles 6: Identify the characteristics of God important to Solomon in this prayer. How are those characteristics important to us? 4. List the righteous kings of Judah. List the wicked ones as well. Which righteous king was your favorite? Why? Which wicked king did you most despise? Why? 5. How might the godliness or ungodliness of our national leaders influence the policies of our nation?
May God Bless You For Coming To Sunday School This Morning! Bring Someone With You To Bible Study On Wednesday Night!
Acknowledgements Applications taken from Bible Teacher Bible Studies for Adults—Summer Edition (2011) This power point slide presentation may be altered by additions or deletions to fit your own teaching style. There is more information in viewing Note Pages Click on View then Note Pages Presentation Compiled For Randall House By Earl Scroggins