Hybrid Experimental Designs
Hybrid Designs l Variations on randomized designs l Help to address specific threats l Incorporates different design features Two will be illustrated here.
The Solomon Four-Group Design l Explicitly addresses a testing threat l Assesses the effect of taking a pretest ROXOROORXOROROXOROORXORO
Possible Outcomes Treatment Effect -- No Testing Effect
Possible Outcomes Treatment Effect and Testing Effect
Switching Replications Design l Switching: the groups switch roles over the course of the study. l Replications: the treatment is repeated or replicated. ROXOOROOXOROXOOROOXO
Possible Outcomes Short-term Persistent Treatment Effect
Possible Outcomes Long-term Continuing Treatment Effect
Switching Replications l Very strong in internal validity l Looks at short and longer term effects l Strong ethically because all participants get the treatment l Works well with some institutional structures (for example, semester system in schools)