PRAYER CONFLICTS- don’t get resolved because we talk to everyone else except for the person with whom we have the conflict (Matt.18:15). PRAYERS- never get answered because we talk to everyone else about our problems except for God.
PRAYER PRAYERS- communication with God THE GOAL OF PRAYER- to get the ‘EAR’ of God HOW DO WE GET THE EAR OF GOD?- through Jesus Christ John 14:13 “And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.”
PRAYER Solomon’s Prayer (1 Kings 3:3-14) 1.)VS.3-4 Solomon is in Gibeon; “hill city”; high place. -Solomon’s in a high place #physically- on a hill #socially & politically- he’s king #spiritually & morally- he loves God & walks right. (VS.3) walks right. (VS.3) -Everybody can’t be in a high place physically, socially, or politically; BUT we can sit high socially, or politically; BUT we can sit high spiritually & morally. spiritually & morally.
PRAYER Solomon’s Prayer (1 Kings 3:3-14) 1.)VS.5 While in Gibeon/”a high place,” God speaks to Solomon in a dream, and asks Solomon “What can I give you?” -Whenever we live according to the principles of God (sit spiritually & morally high), we don’t have to initiate the conversation with God; GOD WILL INITIATE THE CONVERSATION WITH US.
PRAYER Solomon’s Prayer (1 Kings 3:3-14) 1.)VS.9 Solomon replies to God, “….give me an understanding heart to judge thy people.” -Understanding (Hebrew/ “shamah”; to hear, to listen, to obey.) #Let me be in tune with God to obey you and properly govern your people. you and properly govern your people. -Solomon gives his prayer & his motive; We ask God for things, but why? (James4:3) We ask God for things, but why? (James4:3)
PRAYER Solomon’s Prayer (1 Kings 3:3-14) 1.)VS Solomon’s prayer pleased God and God exceeded Solomon’s expectation. -Unselfish prayer pleases God because it brings him glory. -When our desire is to bring God glory, God gives us more than what we ask for (Ephesians 3:20)