Comic Life By Joel Solomon Instructional Technology Coach Cherry Creek Schools Watch students ENJOY writing! Make learning FUN!!
Agenda Introduction/PowerPoint presentation Overview of ComicLife Get to know your workspace Insert pictures (iPhoto, Capture, Finder) Create a Comic Add captions, speech bubbles, and titles Save + Export your masterpiece!
Have FUN teaching writing to your students!!!
Writing Standards Standard 2:Students write and speak for a variety of purposes and audiences. –2a. Generate topics and develop ideas for a variety of purposes (plays, storytelling, newsletters, writing a letter, book reports, and introducing a speaker) –2b.Organize writing using logical arrangement of ideas. –2c. Select and use clear and concise vocabulary.
6-Trait Writing VOICE! Organization
Sample: Science
Sample: Vocabulary
Sample: Social Studies
Sample: Math
Sample: Story Elements
Sample: FUN Stuff!
Overview of Comic Life Intro to the Workspace –Page Templates –Caption and Speech Boxes –Details and Styles –Image Libraries –Exporting
Overview of Comic Life Step ONE: –Select a page template –Drag into comic
Overview of Comic Life Step TWO: –Customize your comic with STYLES –Lock boxes so they don’t move
Overview of Comic Life Step THREE: –Add captions and speech bubbles –Give them some “style”
Overview of Comic Life Step FOUR: –Add images and make your comic!
Overview of Comic Life Step FIVE: –EXPORT your finished comic
Overview of Comic Life Online Resources for Images – – – storm/ (my page for images) storm