The Romans The Romans came to Britain over 2000 years ago. The Romans lived in Rome, a city in the centre of the country of Italy. Before the Romans attacked.


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Presentation transcript:

The Romans The Romans came to Britain over 2000 years ago. The Romans lived in Rome, a city in the centre of the country of Italy. Before the Romans attacked Britain the Britain's were called Celts. Roksana and Solomon

The Romans in Britain The Romans invaded England again in 43 AD under Emperor Claudius. There were about 20,000 Roman soldiers in the army. The Romans landed somewhere in Southeast England. Roksana and Solomon

Roman clothing The Romans wore wool because it was the most common clothing in Roman times. Clothing in ancient Rome was generally comprised the toga, the tunic the stola, brooches for these, and breeches. They also wore silk and cotton. Roksana and Solomon

Roman food The Romans ate healthy food like grain bread and lots of other kinds of bread. They also ate lots of fruits, vegetables and spaghetti. They had lots of different kinds of food. The most common fruits are almonds, pears, figs, grapes, plums and lots of other fruits. Roksana and Solomon

Roman baths The Roman Baths complex is a site of historical interest in the English city of Bath. Lots of tourists visit the Roman baths. Roksana and Solomon

Roman gods The Romans had the same gods as the Greeks but with Roman names. They had lots of different things as their gods. The Romans thought that the sun or things like that were gods. Roksana and Solomon

Roman cities The main city in Italy is Rome. There were lots of cities in Italy. This is one example of how the Roman cities looked like. The Roman cities looked very expensive and they were beautiful but some were untidy and destroyed. Roksana and Solomon

Romans verses Celts The Romans in Italy invaded the Celts in Britain over 2000 years ago. It was a very, very long time ago. The Romans won because their army was very strong and powerful. The Celts had a worse army that’s why they lost. From that time there were also Romans in Britain. Roksana and Solomon Romans verses Celts

Roman pets The Romans had exotic pets like monkeys or snakes and things like that because the rich people could buy exotic pets and they could even have a rat as a pet. The poor people could not have pets like this. They don’t have dogs or cats as pets. The Romans had a lot of pets. Roksana and Solomon

Games and toys In the Roman times children did not have games like we do now. They had lots of other games like they played games with dice in it a lot. They also had dolls to play with. If they had a pet, they would normally play with it. The Roman children did not like games a lot because they played with their pet. Roksana and Solomon.

Houses The Roman buildings were very big and they were very tall. But the houses were a bit small. The poor people had to live in a little cottage. The rich people had big, tall houses. It wasn't fair for the poor people. The rich people had more things than the poor and they could do more things like having a big dinner and they could have pets like a monkey or rat. Roksana and Solomon

Families and schools Some Roman families were very poor but some were very, very rich. Even, some families were not poor but not rich as well. Some children went to school but some did not. More Roman children were taught by their mum in the house. Roksana and Solomon