1 KINGS Chapter 02 KING SOLOMON BEGINS I.INTRODUCTION A.First chapter – Adonijah tried to hijack the throne. 1. Granted stay of execution
a) Let the Lord do the “lifting up” in our lives. b) We “make something happen” – it will end badly c) We may be fighting against the Lord. B.Tonight – David dies and Solomon begins his reign:
II.1KINGS 2:1-4 A.Standard for patriarch’s to give instructions, and blessings. 1. David’s words are good advice: a) Verses 2, 3
(1) Let me modernize these verses: (a) “Son, I am going to die soon, stand up and be a man.” (b) Men let the world define their “worth”! (i) Sick and perverted ways the world defining what a man is.
(ii) A Christian man must separate the two. (a) David being a great dad in his advice! (b) “Have you had this talk with your son(s)? (c) You will be largest influence for Jesus. 2. David saying “Many counting on you!”
(1) Keeping throne in the family depends on Solomon’s walk. (2) 1 Chronicles a more detailed account. III.1KINGS 2:5-6 A.Joab a complicated and conflicted character.
1. On one hand he was dedicated to David! a) Joab murdered Abner. (1) Their blood gushed out upon his belt and shoes. (2) Solomon to execute justice on Joab. IV.1KINGS 2:7
A.Asks opposite for Barzillai. V.1KINGS 2:8-9 A.Shimei shouting curses at David and his men. 1. Asks Solomon to see that justice is done.
VI.1KINGS 2:10-12 A.David dies and Solomon reigns. 1. Adonijah should have left well-enough-alone! VII.1KIINGS 2:13-17
A.Doesn’t seem like a big deal. 1. This is political. a) Abishag King David’s concubine. b) A king’s concubines became the next king’s. VIII.1KINGS 2:18-24
A.Solomon sees this as a conspiracy. 1. Asking for Abishag was tantamount to treason. IX.1KINGS 2:25-27 A.Prophecy fulfilled concerning house of Eli.
X.CONCLUSION A.1Kings 2: Joab’s “double minded” loyalty finally end of him. B.1Kings 2:35-46
1. Next chapter things about Solomon that make us wonder about his walk with the Lord. a) 1Kings 3:3