QoD: How did God judge Israel’s kings? Unit 2, Lesson 5.


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Presentation transcript:

QoD: How did God judge Israel’s kings? Unit 2, Lesson 5

I. What makes a good king of Israel? A. It’s not about military conquests, riches, or expansion of the empire… …It’s about FAITHFULNESS to the covenant!

II. Judah’s Kings A. Rehoboam’s son  Abijam (ruled for 3 years) –Committed the sins of his father B. His son ASA took over after him (reigned 41 years) –Did what was RIGHT in the sight of the LORD (Fully committed to the LORD)

III. 5 Kings of Israel A. Nadab (1 Kings 15:25-31) 1.Length of Reign: 2.Achievements: 3.Cultural Information: 4.Kind of Death 5.Faithfulness to God

III. 5 Kings of Israel B. Baasha (1 Kings 15:32-16:7) 1.Length of Reign: 2.Achievements: 3.Cultural Information: 4.Kind of Death 5.Faithfulness to God

III. 5 Kings of Israel C. Elah: (1 Kings 16:8-14) 1.Length of Reign: 2.Achievements: 3.Cultural Information: 4.Kind of Death 5.Faithfulness to God

III. 5 Kings of Israel D. Zimri: (1 Kings 16:15-20) 1.Length of Reign: 2.Achievements: 3.Cultural Information: 4.Kind of Death 5.Faithfulness to God

III. 5 Kings of Israel E. Omri: (1 Kings 16:21-28) 1.Length of Reign: 2.Achievements: 3.Cultural Information: 4.Kind of Death 5.Faithfulness to God

IV. Questions for Reflection 1.Why don’t the passages give much cultural information? 2.What do the 3 violent deaths tell us about life in Israel? 3.What was the significance of the story of the building of Samaria? 4.How did Jeroboam’s decision to replace faithful worship with idolatry affect the history of these 5 kings?