McGraw-Hill/Irwin Copyright © 2013 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved. Extended Learning Module J (Office 2010 Version) Implementing a Database with Microsoft Access
Mod J-2 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. Identify the steps necessary to implement the structure of a relational database using the DDL provided by Microsoft Access. 2. Demonstrate how to use the data manipulation subsystem in Access to enter and change information in a database and how to query that information. 3. Explain the use of the application generation subsystem in Access to create reports and data entry screens.
Mod J-3 MODULE ORGANIZATION 1. Solomon Enterprises Database Learning Outcome #1 2. Defining Relationships within the Solomon Enterprises Database 3. Entering Information into the Solomon Database Learning Outcome #2 4. Creating a Simple Query Using One Relation
Mod J-4 MODULE ORGANIZATION 5. Creating an Advanced Query Using More than One Relation 6. Generating a Simple Report Learning Outcome #3 7. Generating a Report with Grouping, Sorting, and Totals 8. Creating a Data Input Form
Mod J-5 SOLOMON DATABASE The steps to creating a database are 1. Define entity classes and primary keys 2. Define relationships among the entity classes 3. Define fields for each relation (file) 4. Use a data definition language to create the database, which is the focus of this Module
Mod J-6 SOLOMON DATABASE In Figure J.1 (p. 474) on the following 3 slides, we’ve recreated the correct database structure from Extended Learning Module C Revisit Module C if you need a refresher
Mod J-10 Creating Solomon’s Database Data dictionary - contains the logical structure for the information To create the Solomon Enterprise database: 1. Start Microsoft Access 2. Click on Blank Database in the upper left corner of the screen 3. Enter Solomon Enterprises.accdb as the database name 4. Click on Create
Mod J-11 Creating Solomon’s Database 1. Create a new database by clicking on Blank Database 2. Enter SolomonEnterprises.accdb
Mod J-12 Creating Solomon’s Database Our recommendation: Create a relation (table) in Design view: Must switch from Datasheet View to Design View Click on View in the upper left corner and then Design View Enter a table name Use the Design View to enter the specifications for the table
Mod J-13 Creating Solomon’s Database To switch to Design View, click on View and then Design View This is Design View – our recommendation for creating the tables in a database
Mod J-14 Creating the Raw Material Relation Enter the four fields of the Raw Material relation Raw Material ID Raw Material Name QOH Supplier ID Click on the Raw Material ID row and then the key button to designate Raw Material ID as the primary key
Mod J-15 Creating the Raw Material Relation Primary key identifier and the Primary key button Integrity constraints for Raw Material ID
Mod J-16 Creating the Concrete Type Relation The fields for Concrete Type Primary Key Integrity Constraints
Mod J-17 Creating the Bill of Material Relation We created (in Extended Learning Module C) the Bill of Material relation to eliminate the many-to-many relationship between the Concrete Type and Raw Material relations
Mod J-18 Creating the Bill of Material Relation The Bill of Material relation has a primary key composed of two fields (composite primary key): Concrete Type Raw Material ID Composite primary key - consists of the primary key fields from the two intersecting relations
Mod J-19 Creating the Bill of Material Relation Composite primary key
Mod J-20 DEFINING RELATIONSHIPS WITHIN SOLOMON’S DATABASE The final structural task is to define how all the relations relate to each other That is, link primary and foreign keys Foreign key - a primary key of one file (relation) that appears in another file (relation)
Mod J-21 Primary and Foreign Key Logical Ties
Mod J-22 Defining Relationships between Relations To create relationships Click on Database Tools in the menu area and then click on the Relationships button Make each relation appear on the palette by highlighting each relation name and clicking on Add Then click on the Close button
Mod J-23 Defining Relationships between Relations Relationship palette Select tables and click on Add
Mod J-24 Defining Relationships between Relations
Mod J-25 ENTERING INFORMATION INTO SOLOMON’S DATABASE Double-click on any table to begin entering information
Mod J-26 Entering Information We double-clicked on the Supplier table and can now begin entering information We have completed entering all supplier information
Mod J-27 Referential Integrity Referential integrity ensures consistency. For example, that you don’t put a non-existent Supplier ID into the Raw Material relation The relationships we set up for referential integrity guard against bad information Integrity constraints – rules that help ensure the quality of the information
Mod J-28 Enforcing Referential Integrity Because we entered a non- existent Supplier ID (445) that doesn’t exist, Access will not allow us to continue If you try to close the window, Access will allow you to change the information or save the good information without the bad
Mod J-29 Change the Structure of a Relation You can change the structure of a relation by clicking on View and then Design View In Design View, you can change the structure of a table
Mod J-30 CREATING A SIMPLE QUERY USING ONE RELATION Query-by-example (QBE) tool - helps you graphically design the answer to a question Suppose we wanted to see a list of raw materials that shows Raw Material Name Supplier ID
Mod J-31 Creating a Simple Query Using the Raw Material Relation First, click on Create and then Query Design Second, select the table, click on Add, and then close the box.
Mod J-32 Creating a Simple Query Using the Raw Material Relation The result of the query Drag and drop the appropriate field names and then click on the exclamation point (Run).
Mod J-33 Creating a Simple Query with a Condition Set the condition here
Mod J-34 CREATING AN ADVANCED QUERY USING MORE THAN ONE RELATION Suppose we want a query that shows All order numbers Date of orders Where the goods were delivered The contact person The truck involved in each delivery The truck driver in each delivery
Mod J-35 Steps to Create an Advanced Query 1. Click on Create in the menu area and then Query Design 2. In the Show Table dialog box Select and Add the relation names Close the Show Table dialog box Tables linked appear are joined by lines with 1 beside the table with the primary key The infinity sign by the table with the foreign key
Mod J-36 Steps to Create an Advanced Query 3. Drag and drop the fields that you want from the appropriate relation into the QBE grid in the order that you want 4. Click on the exclamation point (Run) in the button bar to see the results of the query
Mod J-37 Steps to Create an Advanced Query From the Show Table box, select the appropriate tables – Customer, Order, Employee and Truck
Mod J-38 Steps to Create an Advanced Query Drag and drop the appropriate fields
Mod J-39 Steps to Create an Advanced Query The completed query
Mod J-40 GENERATING A SIMPLE REPORT 1. Click on Create in the menu area and then the Report Wizard button 2. Choose tables and/or queries: Lets you choose which table/query you want 3. Choose fields: Lets you choose the fields you want
Mod J-41 Grouping, Sorting, Layout of Report 4. Grouping: Lets you specify grouping of information (we chose the default) 5. Sorting: Allows you to specify sorting (we chose the default) 6. Layout and orientation: Allows you to select layout and page orientation (we chose the default)
Mod J-42 Style and Header of Report 7. Report header: Allows us to enter a title for the report. 8. The Report: Shows all customers and phone numbers.
Mod J-43 Choose Table/Query and Fields Click on Create and then Report Wizard Choose tables and/or queries
Mod J-44 Choose Table/Query and Fields Select fields by clicking on each and clicking on the > Then click on Next 4. Grouping We don’t need grouping so click on Next.
Mod J-45 Sorting and Layout We don’t need to sort so click on Next. Select a Layout and Orientation
Mod J-46 Style and Title Choose a Style then click on Next. Enter a report header and click on Finish The wizard generated completed report
Mod J-47 Changing the Look of the Report Click on Close Print Preview Click on View an choose Layout View
Mod J-48 Changing the Look of a Report Move the report elements to change the look of the report
Mod J-49 REPORT WITH GROUPING, SORTING, AND TOTALS Say we want to create the Supply Chain Management report from Extended Learning Module C First, create a query Then, put the query into the report generator
Mod J-50 Steps for Creating a Report with Grouping, Sorting, and Totals Click on Create in the menu area and click on the Report Wizard button Choose tables/queries: Query: Supply Chain Query Choose fields: Select all fields by clicking on the double greater-than sign (>>)
Mod J-51 Specify Table/Query Fields Select the Supply Chain query Select all the fields of the Supply Chain query
Mod J-52 Grouping and Sorting Information Top-level grouping: Allows you to choose ordering. Since we created a query, Access has defaulted to the first field Further grouping: Lets you specify groups within the top grouping of Concrete Type, but we don’t want any further grouping Sorting: Next we have a chance to sort our information
Mod J-53 Steps for Grouping Information Group by Concrete Type and Type Description and then click Next.
Mod J-54 Sorting Information Sort on Raw Material ID to sort and change the order from Ascending to Descending.
Mod J-55 Totaling Information in a Report Totaling: The sorting screen also has a Summary Options button Within Summary Options you can choose what type of summary you want
Mod J-56 Totaling Information in a Report Click on Summary Options and check the Sum box for Unit.
Mod J-57 Formatting the Report Overall structure of report: Allows you to choose the layout and orientation Report heading: Allows you to enter the title that will appear on the report, then click on Finish
Mod J-58 Formatting the Report Choose the desired report layout and orientation.
Mod J-59 The Report The Report: Shows the information from the wizard steps
Mod J-60 Refining the Report Steps to adjust the report to make it aesthetically pleasing Open the report in Design View with the triangle button Adjust the boxes to the desired size Delete unwanted entries
Mod J-61 Refining the Report Click on Design View to see the report in design format Click on Close Print Preview.
Mod J-62 Adjusting the Page Header Move the divider to make more heading room and change the shape and size of the header boxes Click on View and then Report View to see the changes
Mod J-63 Adjusting the Concrete Type Header Move Concrete Type to the left and shrink it. Concrete Type should now be lined up under its header
Mod J-64 Adjusting the Detail Section Adjust the elements of the detail line so that they line up with their headers The realigned report
Mod J-65 Adjusting the Concrete Type Footer Delete the Summary line. Change Sum to Total Units, and change its color The completed report
Mod J-66 CREATING A DATA INPUT FORM Select the Order table Click on Create and then Form
Mod J-67 CREATING A DATA INPUT FORM 1. Select the Order table 2. Click on Create and then Form
Mod J-68 Final Input Form