PLAGIARISM Doing honest work in college “Beware of Plagiarism!” University of Ottawa. August Web. 15 April 2013.
PLAGIARISM …is taking another person’s words, ideas or statistics and passing them off as your own. The complete or partial translation of a text written by someone else also constitutes plagiarism if you do not acknowledge your source.
PLAGIARISM Since we cannot always be original it is entirely acceptable to present another person’s ideas in your work. However, it must be done properly to avoid plagiarism.
PRINCIPLES AND RULES When borrowing another person’s words, use quotation marks and reference. When borrowing another person’s ideas, acknowledge their origin. Do not paraphrase another writer’s words and pass them off as your own. Internet sources must be acknowledged.
TWO BASIC RULES 1.If you use someone else’s words, use quotation marks and give a reference. 2.If you borrow someone else’s ideas, give a reference.
…the Futurists glorified the energy and speed of modern life together with the dynamism and violence of the new technological society. “Futurism.” Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation Web. 15 April Futurism is an art movement that glorified the energy and speed of modern life with the dynamism and violence of the new technological society. NOT GOOD: Text copied without quotation marks Original source How’s this?
Original source …the Futurists glorified the energy and speed of modern life together with the dynamism and violence of the new technological society. “Futurism.” Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation Web. 15 April Futurism is an art movement that “glorified the energy and speed of modern life with the dynamism and violence of the new technological society”. NOT GOOD: Copied text with quotation marks, but not cited How’s this?
…the Futurists glorified the energy and speed of modern life together with the dynamism and violence of the new technological society. “Futurism.” Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation Web. 15 April Futurism is an art movement that “glorified the energy and speed of modern life with the dynamism and violence of the new technological society” (Futurism). GOOD: Copied text with quotation marks, and cited Original source How’s this?
Original source …the Futurists glorified the energy and speed of modern life together with the dynamism and violence of the new technological society. “Futurism.” Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation Web. 15 April Futurism is an art movement that glorified the energy and speed of modern life as well as the new technological society’s dynamism and violence. (Futurism) NOT GOOD: Cited, but too many copied words without quotation marks How’s this?
Original source …the Futurists glorified the energy and speed of modern life together with the dynamism and violence of the new technological society. “Futurism.” Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation Web. 15 April Futurism is an art movement that praised the strength and pace of modern life with the force and intensity of a new society of technology. NOT GOOD: Words changed, but structure the same – paraphrasing without citing source How’s this?
Original source …the Futurists glorified the energy and speed of modern life together with the dynamism and violence of the new technological society. “Futurism.” Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation Web. 15 April The Guggenheim Museum describes Futurism as an art movement that praised the strength and pace of modern life with the force and intensity of a new society of technology (Futurism). GOOD: Paraphrased, but original source acknowledged and cited How’s this?
CITATION GUIDELINES MLA Works Cited: Electronic Sources (Web Publications) MLA In-Text Citations: The Basics