1 Coordinating and Financing R&D in Developing Countries-moving beyond PDP's The ANDI Experience Solomon Nwaka CEWG on R&D Financing & Coordination, April 6, 2011
2 ANDI Vision "Creating a sustainable platform for R&D innovation in Africa to address Africa’s own health needs"
3 ANDI touches 8 elements of the GSPOA 1.prioritizing research and development needs ; 2.promoting research and development ; 3.building and improving innovative capacity ; 4.transfer of technology ; 5.application and management of intellectual property; 6.improving delivery and access ; 7.ensuring sustainable financing mechanisms ; 8.establishing monitoring and reporting systems.
4 Evolution of ANDI
5 >500 people at ANDI Meeting Nairobi 2010
6 Mapping & priority setting exercise supports ANDI establishment Exploratory Research Natural product / TM Clinical Marketing Medicinal Chemistry IP management Regulatory Manufacturing Pre-clinical toxicology Safety / pharmacology API production
7 SOURCE: Thomson Web of Science Cities with 30 or more articles published in the period Total of 90 cities in 27 countries 16,647 biomedical articles led by African authors included in analysis Note: Only top 40 cities by research output labeled Competency research centers exist
8 R&D collaborations biased externally e.g. HIV/AIDS SOURCE: Thomson Web of Science, UCINET
9 SOURCE: Delphion, VantagePoint, UCINET Patent activity also biased externally
10 WHA62.16, 2009: "ANDI is a key initiative aimed at supporting and promoting African led health product innovation…." AMCOST, 2010: "AMCOST welcomes…African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation (ANDI) and its anticipated contribution to the science, technology and innovation……'' ANDI approach has received political recognition
11 Governance Hosting Agency – UNECA Board – Co-Chaired by: Minister Mugo of Kenya (Health) Minister Pandor of South Africa (S&T) – 12 members with >75% from Africa – WHO, AfDB, UNECA Secretariat – Operates through regional hubs Fund
12 ANDI business model – network-based projects
13 ANDI's IT platform - open access and secure components
14 Technical progress & challenges – Centres of Excellence for health innovation in Africa being identified (public & private) Call resulted in 130 applications being reviewed – Call for projects resulted in 207 project applications Projects being reviewed & prioritized for funding – Key challenge is: $$$$$$$ EU have provided seed funds
15 Financing options Trust Fund at UNECA – Seeking to grow to $30M p.a. in regular contributions in 5 years – Actively fund raising Exploring – Additional Trust Funds with other partners – Endowment Fund Potential to leverage financing for projects / infrastructure – National Resources (public and private) – Governments and development agencies – Development and trade banks – Foundations and others …….
16 One measure of success in yrs
17 Lessons learned through ANDI Desire for regionally coordinated / facilitated approach – Support at technical, business and political levels important Address interface between research and market access early – Local product manufacture, regulatory and IP issues Need for alignment between public and private sectors – Interest from governments, development and private banks Link to Regional Science, Technology and Innovation policies – Support for SMEs, manufacture and commercialization R&D financing should consider ALL these opportunities and the potential power of catalytic financing and leverage at local level
18 Future coordinating role may be required